Page 156 of Coerced Queen

Saverio frowns through his smile.“What is this?”

Claire bounces on the balls of her feet while Emma claps her hands.I swore them to secrecy, and I know how hard it was for them not to let anything slip.But they did it for Saverio, to make his birthday special, and that makes my heart burst with pride.

“Open it,” Emma says, jumping up and down.

Saverio takes off the lid with the red ribbon and removes the key.He glances at me before holding it up in the air to inspect it.

Unable to contain herself, Claire says, “You have to open the garage first.”

Saverio narrows a playful gaze on her.“What are you girls hiding in the garage?”

“You’ll see,” Emma says with a bubbly laugh, clapping her hands again.

When Saverio trudges to the kitchen, everyone follows.We wait until he’s opened the adjoining door to the garage.He flicks on the light switch, and then he stills.The Corvette is polished to a shine, its bodywork like a mirror under the light.It took me a long time to find an original red one.I could’ve bought a yellow one last year.A white one came onto the market the year before that, but it’s not the same.

When I tracked down the previous owner of this one, he didn’t want to part with the car at first.It took five million to convince him.It’s a million over the market value, but it’s worth every penny.The car Saverio sold meant more to him than four fancy, collectable wheels.It was a symbol of his achievements, and on that, there’s no price.

I know all about priceless treasures.I still have the to-do list I took from Saverio’s trash can on the night of our engagement.I keep it in my box of sentimental knick-knacks that holds the girls’ first locks of hair, their first teeth, the cards they drew for my birthdays, and the bullet Nicole cut out of my arm.I read it often, not only because handwriting is so personal and I love to look at it but also because that list resembles everything my husband is—meticulous, protective, caring, and considerate.

Saverio is quiet for a long time.When he finally turns around, his face is tight with emotions.

“Anya.”He cups my hips between his large hands.The audience behind us is forgotten as he stares into my eyes.We’re isolated in the moment, lost in one another.“I don’t know what to say.”

I wrap my arms around his strong back.“Thank you?”

He leans away, only half joking as he searches my face.“Please tell me you didn’t gamble for the car.”

“Not even close.”I kiss his lips.“Bought it fair and square.”

He pins me with a piercing look.“Thank you.”

Those two little words are loaded.They say so much more than conveying his gratitude for a gift he should never have had to part with.They say everything I always wanted to hear.

He lowers his head and slants his lips over mine.Just as I’m about to give myself over to the kiss, Dante wolf-whistles, saving us from taking things further than we should in front of the kids and our friends.

Claire and Emma squeeze past the grownups to sweep Saverio up in a hug.In their fight over who gets to hug him first, I’m sandwiched between my babies and my husband.

Emma hangs on to the back of Saverio’s legs, holding him with all her might.

Claire tips back her head.“Can I drive it, Daddy?”

Saverio ruffles her hair and chuckles.“Ask me again when you’re fourteen.”

“Fourteen?”I exclaim.“Not a day before sixteen, young lady.”

Claire pouts.“That’s not fair.”

“How about you come with me later when I take her out for a spin?”Saverio says.

“Yeah.”Claire high-fives Saverio.“I’m the oldest, so I get to go first.”

Nicole clears her throat.“I hate to point this out, but the food is getting cold.And I’m starving.”

“Who wants burgers?”Saverio asks.

“Me,” Emma and Claire yell in unison.

“Let’s go pick our toppings,” Dante says, holding out both hands.