It can’t be.
I cup my stomach, shaking as my body turns to ice.
I blink once, twice, but there it is.
Two blue lines.
I’m pregnant with Saverio’s baby.
Isit in my study and ponder the situation.I don’t know how to fix this.Nicole said hi before she left.She told me Anya should be fine after the injection but that I should give her a little space to find her balance before bearing down on her again.It was a nice way of telling me my presence makes my wife sick.
So here I am, giving my wife space when all I want to do is go to her.I admit it.I deserved that.I deserved to be put in my place.Maybe her leaving me is my punishment for all the wrongs I committed when it comes to my treasure.But imagining my life without her in it is like a blade to the throat.She may as well push that knife deep and leave me to bleed out.
I clench my hands on the desk.I’m not going to force her to stay.I’m not going to lock her up or threaten her with people’s lives.We moved beyond that a long time ago.However, I’ll be damned if I let her get away without a fight.I’ll put every ounce of my seduction and manipulation skills into that war.Come hell or high water, I’ll win her back.
A knock falls on the door, disrupting my internal raving session.The object of my thoughts opens it and steps inside.I go still at the sight of her in those tight jeans and the form-fitting sweater that show off her curves.Her red hair hangs over one shoulder in fiery, silky waves.Thank goodness there’s a peachy hue on her cheeks.The freckles on her nose seem paler now that her skin has some color again.
“Anya,” I say, my voice scraping in my throat.
Her manner is almost shy.“Am I interrupting?”
“No.”I get to my feet.Ignoring the cane, I round my desk.My question is gruff, emotions clogging up my chest.“How are you feeling?”
“I can eat again.”
“Good.”I motion at her arm.“Do you need a painkiller?”
She shakes her head, her gaze moving over the gray suit and blue tie I donned while she was overseeing the breakdown of the gazebo.“Are you heading out?”
“I called a meeting at the club.I have to bring the men up to speed.”
She nods, understanding how it works.“I can come back later.”
“I’m not going before three o’clock.Dante is getting word about the meeting to the guys.It takes time to get everyone together.”
Instead of coming closer, she remains by the door, looking ready to bolt.
Afraid I’ll scare her away, I stay where I am, resisting the urge to eliminate the distance between us.“You should let me have a look at that wound.”
“Livy cleaned and disinfected it.”
I’m her husband.Ishould be taking care of her, damn it.I bite back a protest, weighing my words carefully.“We need to talk.”
“We do.”She takes a few steps toward me.“There’s something you ought to know.”She bites her lip before correcting herself.“Something you have a right to know.”
My instincts go on high alert.It sounds like a confession, as if she’s preparing me for news I won’t like.
A million possibilities cross my mind in a second, but the one that sticks like a spike in my ribs is that she wants to leave me because she knows a potential life partner who’s worth a shot, someone better than me.
My heart starts pounding.I don’t like where she’s going with this, but I cross my arms, giving her time to finish.
“I don’t know how to say this,” she finally says, watching me with those big, pretty eyes.