Page 113 of Coerced Queen

“Good.”He hugs me tighter.“Then it’s settled.I’ll let you pick the destination.I’ll take care of the rest.”

I lean my face against his chest.The fabric of his jacket is scratchy beneath my cheek.I burrow deeper, wanting to make a nest for myself here where I feel safe.When I glance at him again, his forehead is shiny with perspiration.A trickle of sweat runs down his temple.

His leg.It’s hurting him.

“That’s enough,” I say, pulling away and taking his hand.

He lets me lead him to where Dante is waiting, swinging his injured leg stiffly behind him.I give him as much support as I can, trying to carry some of his weight without making it obvious that he’s leaning on me.He won’t want people to notice.Saverio is too proud.

Dante hands him the cane, a look of concern flashing over his features.

I answer his unspoken question with, “He’s fine.We’re going to sit down for a while.”

Instead of taking one of the high barstools, I head for our table with the normal chairs where he can sit more comfortably.

“We overdid it,” I say, feeling guilty.

“No.”His tone is clipped, and his features are basked in pain.“I enjoyed it.I wanted to do that since the day I married you.And later, when we go to bed, Iwillfuck you.To hell with my leg.”

“Saverio De Luca, you’re beyond saving.”

“I’ve got all the saving I need right here next to me.”

I want to ask what that means, but Nicole and Livy come up to us.

“It’s almost midnight,” Nicole says.“Before the clock strikes twelve, the guests want you to open their gifts.We made a gift table in the lounge.What do you say?”

“Fine, but Saverio needs to sit for ten minutes, and I want to check on Claire first.”

“I’ll come with you,” Saverio says.

My reply is firm.“You’ll do no such thing.You will sit here and have a drink with Nicole who’s been on her feet all night.”

“Mm.”Nicole wags her eyebrows.“Someone else likes to be bossy.I have to say, Sav, I’ve never seen you let anyone boss you around before.Is someone getting soft for his wife?”

Saverio turns a narrowed gaze on her.

“I’ll come with you,” Livy offers.

“No,” I say.“You stay.There’s no need to drag you away from the party.I just want to make sure Rosemary is okay.”

“In that case, I’ll go get us some drinks,” Nicole says.

I make to get up, but Saverio grabs my wrist and pulls me down for a quick but deep kiss that leaves me breathless.

“Don’t be long,” he whispers over my lips.

Knowing Livy is watching, my cheeks heat a little.I pull away, but he holds fast for another second before letting me go.I straighten my dress and walk away quickly in case Saverio is tempted to pull me onto his lap and keep me there.

I make my way through the busy kitchen and past the guest toilets where people are queuing.My heels are quiet on the carpet runner that covers the stairs.My mind still reels from Saverio’s generous gestures and kind words when I round the corner of the reading nook.

Rosemary is fast asleep, slumped in the chair with her book on her lap.The light on the baby monitor next to her indicates that it’s on.Claire is quiet, sleeping her usual stretch between feeds.

I carefully extract the book from Rosemary’s hands before closing it on her bookmark and putting it on the table.Taking the throw from the back of the chair, I cover her.I’ll wake her after I’ve opened my presents and said goodbye to our guests.If she prefers to sleep over instead of going home with Saverio’s driver at that early hour, she can use one of the spare bedrooms.

My lips curve in an automatic action when I walk into the nursery.I’m used to having Claire with me at all hours of the day and night.I miss her even after the few hours we’ve been separated during the party.

The powdery smell of baby shampoo that hangs in the room fills my nose.I tiptoe to the crib, eager to place a palm on her tummy and feel her tiny ribcage expand with her tranquil breaths.