“You have one shitty ex. I’m sorry he did you dirty like that with the Haute List. I hope he gets what’s coming to him. If not, let me know and I’ll casually slip you some information for some enforcers I know who don’t mind fucking up men who treat women badly.”

I huff an unamused laugh. “Oh, don’t worry, he got what he deserved. He was arrested this morning in connection with his other cyber crimes.”

“Thank goodness karma or fate decided to work in this case.”

Or Payton Olsen did. “Yeah, something like that. I’m just relieved it’s behind me and I can move on from this whole situation.” I’m keeping my cards close, not willing to open up completely to this relative stranger beyond what’s common knowledge.

“At some point, I want the full story, but for now, cheers to seeing that motherfucker’s tears!” She holds up her iced latte and I toast her with my sweet cream iced coffee and grin.

“I like that, and I’m way better off now. I’m finally happy.”

She smiles at me. “That’s adorable. Now if I can just find myself a hot athlete, I’d be set. Know any big dudes with bigger dicks that need a fine-ass honey to cheer at all their games? Because I’m available.”

Yeah, I like Lilah Williams.



Three Years Later

“Can you believe it’s finally done?” I glance around the pristine promenade leading up to the arena in awe.

Payton looks at the brand-new mountain of glass and steel that is Olympus Arena, the new sports complex in downtown where the Atlanta Hydras will take the ice for the first time in their inaugural season. The project took years and millions of dollars to bring to fruition, but here it is in all its glory, people streaming in by the thousands to see our team.

“It’s surreal, but I’m relieved the construction phase is done and we just have the team ownership to look forward to now,” he replies, tucking me into his side as we enter a side door where security knows us by sightand usher us in quickly.

We head down a hallway toward the ice where we meet up with Hayes, Paige, Zander, Harlowe, and all the kids. Madelyn and Hana, both three, look freaking adorable bundled up in matching navy sweatshirts with the Hydras venom green logo on their chests, navy headbands holding back their hair. They’re giggling together next to Hendricks. He’s in a personalized Hydras jersey with Olsen and the number seven, his age, on the back. He’s such a good kid, holding the girls’ hands in his.

Zander waves. “Hey, blondie. Whoa there, buddy.” His attention is quickly diverted to his two-year-old son, Axel, who's nonstop adrenaline and climbing the boards that separate us from the ice.

He captures the tiny terror in his arms and blows a raspberry on his tummy, causing the cute kid to giggle. That child is just like his father, looking for anything dangerous he can get into, giving his parents heart attacks regularly.

Harlowe sees me watching Zander and Axel. “Hey, girl. The offer to babysit still stands.” She gives me a wicked grin, knowing I’ll outright refuse every time because Axel scares the shit out of me. I don’t want to take a kid to the emergency room with a split lip, or worse, because that’s what Axel does. He’s already had stitches in his chin and he’s barely two.

She’s holding her nine-month-old, Everly, the cuddliest, sweetest baby who sleeps most of the time. I joke that this was Harlowe’s gift for having to deal with the hellion that is Axel. Ever’s wearing a large bow on her head of dark hair, but her big gray eyes that match all her siblings blink sleepily at me when I hug Harlowe and kiss the baby’s head. If all infants were as calm and lovely as Ever, I’d possibly consider my own. How Zander and Harlowe have four kids, three of them under three, is crazy to me.

Paige greets me with a hug, tugging at my jersey. “This is cute! I love it.”

“Thanks! I like your outfit. I’ll need to find one of those sweatshirts for another game.”

She went with one of the team’s classic crewnecks with a logo that looks like it’s for a country club. She’s perfectly preppy and so very Paige.

Hayes comes up behind her, one arm wrapping around her shoulders and bringing her close while he holds their one-year-old son, Zachary, in his other arm. Zachary looks like his older sister, Maddy, with bright green eyes and dark hair, but he has his father’s intimidating scowl, whereas Maddy is angelic like her mama. I’m not fooled by it and come in close to tickle him, smiling as he erupts into giggles and squirms.

“Only you can get a full laugh like that. He’s more reserved with everyone else,” Hayes remarks, bouncing Zachary in his arm as the little boy ducks his face against his father’s shoulder.

“We had a moment when I changed his diaper and he peed on me. I freaked out and tried to get the new diaper on him, tickling him in the process as I made all sorts of noise, and he started giggling. It made me laugh and that kept him going. We've bonded through a diaper change, unfortunately,” I explain, reaching out and brushing Zachary’s cheek, making him smile.

“Be careful, Pay, this little guy is gonna steal your girl if you’re not careful.” Hayes raises his eyebrows at Payton, who puts his arms around me and pulls me against his chest.

“I’ve got at least seventeen years until that kid is legal. I’m not worried.” He kisses the top of my head and I melt against him.

“You might hear yourself called daddy sooner than that if she ends up with baby fever, though,” Paige adds, winking atme.

I laugh. “I’m the only one who gets to call him Daddy. No babies necessary.” I look up at Payton and he smiles proudly, reveling in my not-so-subtle acknowledgment of our dynamic.

“And it’ll stay that way as long as you want it to, Princess.” He traces the day collar necklace I still wear as he kisses me and gets groans from both of his brothers while Harlowe and Paige melt.