She shrugs a bare shoulder that’s peeking out of my shirt and bats her lashes with an innocent smile that’s anything but. “You’d be helping smaller businesses like Mama P’s who would suffer from lost revenue. You’d get them on your side and havelocal support for the project before it starts, which is good for optics. By working with the local utilities to upgrade what comes into the area, you’ll make sure they can handle the new user load of the condos and businesses of the entertainment district and arena, which takes a huge onus off the city to do it and saves taxpayer funds so it makes you look like heroes.”
“That sounds expensive,” Hayes grumbles, but he doesn’t outright refuse, which is a positive.
“It’s going to cost us millions of dollars, but it’ll save our asses,” I reply. I look down at Ainsley, perched in my lap where she belongs, solving our problems like it’s the easiest thing in the world. “You incredible woman.”
She huffs a laugh and leans her head on my shoulder. “I’m always happy to find ways to spend Olympus’s money on bettering the community and making y’all give back instead of just getting richer.”
“I’ll be careful if we ever ask for your help again, but this is actually perfect. The city won’t be able to deny us if we make that kind of offer,” Zander says, stroking his jaw as he runs through the details.
“We don’t have other options if we want to keep our original timeline. We add a few mil to the budget for the upgrades and pitch it to the city. I’ll get a team to run an analysis and prepare a rough estimate for the scope of additional work and resources required before I draft the proposal and shoot it over later this morning. I bet we hear back by the end of the day. Hayes, do you approve increasing the budget as needed?”
Hayes growls, unhappy about the change, but finally relents. “Run the numbers by me before you send the proposal. As long as they’re reasonable I don’t see why we can’tadjust.”
“Good. Glad that’s settled, thanks to Ainsley’s genius ideas. What’s next?” I rub her thigh, loving this easy access to her skinwhile in a morning meeting. I can get used to this.
“We have an update on the cyber attack,” Hayes says from his place at the head of the conference room table where the Olympus side of the call is taking place.
I’ve been expecting this news. I released the video of Archer coding, and all of the information Ainsley provided, to our contacts and caseworkers at the FBI shortly after leaving New York yesterday.
“You don’t say?” I don't hide the irritation in my voice. I’m ready for this saga with Archer to be over.
“It was that punk ass kid, Archer Donovan, like Rex said,” Zander adds. “He was arrested this morning. He looked like a pulverized piece of meat as he was pulled out of his Manhattan penthouse. The piece of shit got what he deserved. Black eyes and a swollen face, his hands in casts, and he was limping as they shuffled him into a blacked-out SUV.”
“Looks like someone got to him before the feds did, but if you ask me, they held back. He wouldn’t have been walking if I’d gotten to the rat,” Hayes adds.
“It’s about fucking time. He deserves worse than what I did to him and what the justice system’s likely to do.”
Ainsley stiffens in my lap, her attention pinned on me. This is the first she’s heard of what I’ve done with the information she provided. I run my hand up and down her back soothingly.
“So you’re aware of this development and had a hand in how he looked?” Zander asks, leaning back and studying me.
“I told you, Ainsley saved our asses and had everything we needed to take him down. I gave that to the FBI. After I had a chat with Archer myself. Oh, and Rex may have helped. I think it’s time we finally give him that board of directors seat he’s been asking for. We can trust him.” I direct my attention to Hayes. “The man has an incredible right hook. I can’t believeyou used to spar with him and never had your pretty nose broken.”
“You resorted to physical violence instead of hacking him back?” Hayes asks, his brows drawing together knowing he’s usually the brother we tap for that type of vengeance. “I’m impressed. Normally, you’d find a way to fuck with him virtually and not leave a trace, like he did.”
“Oh, I did that, too, but some situations call for a personal, hands-on approach.” I give Ainsley a quick glance, about to bring her into the family in a way that’ll have my brothers just as protective of her as I am. “Archer is Ainsley’s abusive ex. He’s been cyberstalking her. I couldn’t let that stand after he showed up in Atlanta and put his hands on her.”
My brothers posture up, faces drawn into scowls, their shoulders expanding in outrage on her behalf. They nod in understanding, grunting their approval and taking in the little blonde spitfire in my lap in a whole new light. With that one revelation, she’s now their family, too.
Ainsley turns to me, shock warring with fury for sharing her personal details that she holds so privately. It was worth it, seeing the instant change in Hayes and Zander toward her, accepting her as theirs to guard as part of our family, just like I knew they would. I know my brothers and what turns on their protective instincts. Sharing this small detail would do it faster than allowing Ainsley to slowly let them in and share herself on her own timeline. I’m pushing her on my terms, as usual, and she doesn’t like it.
“I told you he wasn't worth it. I can't believe you went after him. Is this why you were in New York yesterday? For some fucked up version of a billionaire bar brawl?”
I kiss her nose with an affectionate smile and hold her tightly when she tries to get up.
“I was teaching Archer a lesson calleddo unto others as you want done unto you,” I explain. Ainsley rolls her eyes. I continue. “He’s a bully whose time had come. I’d given him a clear warning and he still came after you. He won’t be harassing or putting his hands on anyone for a very long time, and he certainly won’t be using his hacking skills. I have far too much dirt on him now. The FBI will take care of the rest, I presume. Ainsley’s evidence links him to the signature he’s used on countless cyber crimes, so he’ll finally pay for his misdeeds. I have a feeling Archer and his dear old dad will have plenty of bonding time in the big house for the long, foreseeable future.”
Zander laughs and rubs his hands together in pleasure. “I’m already working with legal on an injunction to stop Nephele Industries’s jet engine production since we know they used the original Pegasus plans that were stolen from the cyber breach. That should help with our launch.” He’s smug now that his bungled project is back on track.
“I’ll let Rex know he’s finally getting what he wants,” Hayes mutters, lacing his fingers on top of a stack of paper and staring down.
He has a history with Rex and they’ve been contentious ever since we bought out his family legacy, crushing the friendship the two had. Rex being beyond creepy and stalking Paige didn’t help the matter, but his assistance during a rough time for our company—several times—put us in debt to him and made for an unsettled situation ever since. Hopefully giving Rex what he wants—a spot on the Olympus board of directors—will mean we are back on even ground.
This feels good.
Things are finally coming together the way they should. Challenges are being met with clever solutions that my gorgeous girl had a hand in. Nuisances like Archer are being dealtwith. Unfinished projects like our jet engine are finding closure. Debts are being paid. It’s good to see so much of our effort over the last few years finding a natural conclusion or being rewarded after so much sacrifice.
“I’ve got a proposal to write for the city and you both have projects and tasks to manage. I think we’re done with this meeting,” I say.