“I’m not surprised he’s keeping it under wraps even from you. We’ve been taking things…slow.” Payton’s relaxing into the banquette now that I’m seemingly doing a convincing job. I look back at Harlowe, knowing I’m talkingwaytoo much, but it’s working. “He’s a person of interest and he’s so out of my league it’s hardly plausible that we’d ever be together. We’re staying under the radar for privacy reasons, to get to know one another without being scrutinized in the public eye. I’m sure you know how that goes,” I say, appealing to the very real threat of gossip blogs and everyone wanting a piece of the story, which she’s had to deal with personally in her own relationship.

Harlowe looks up and rolls her eyes with a knowing smile. “Smart girl.”

Payton suddenly tips my chin up with a finger, stealing my attention as his thumb strokes my cheek. “You’re everything I could want and more, Muffin. I don’t like hearing you say anything about not being in my league. That’s bullshit.” His voice has taken on a deep, commanding tone, his blue eyes serious, the words jolting me out of the storytelling mode I’d fallen into. I can’t look away, feeling something stronger than the lies we’re weaving holding us bound together in the moment.

Harlowe makes a sighing noise, snapping the strange thread of tension between us, and we look over. Her eyes are glassy as she fans a hand in front of her face.

“That’s seriously so precious it makes me sick and it’s everything I’ve been wanting for you, Payton. I’m so happy.”

Payton relaxes next to me, and I hope this means we’ll be done with this charade soon and I can go back to finishing mystory and making my damn deadline.

“Are you done trying to set me up now?” he asks, leaning back against the banquette, tucking me into his side comfortably. I try not to look too stiff and awkward, willing my body to mold against his side and give in to the appeal of pressing against him again. It’s not a bad spot to snuggle up to if I wanted to. Instead, I’m forced to be here and it’s wildly overwhelming, making my thoughts spiral and my heart race.

“I don't need to set you up with anyone else now that I’ve met your cute little Ainsley. I know there’ll be someone for you to have at all our summer events and get-togethers.” Harlowe turns toward me and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach just as Payton’s arm around me stiffens. “I can't wait to get to know you more at everything we have planned.”

“What did I say about scaring her away, Harlowe?” Payton chides with a laugh like it’s all fun and games, rather than his cunning sister-in-law backing us into a corner. “She’s all mine right now and I’m not sharing her with anyone, including you.”

I look over at Payton and catch the mask of total confidence quickly replacing the flicker of unease that passes across his stunning profile. He wasn’t expecting this from Harlowe, either. So much for a one-and-done favor repayment. Fuck.


The Atlanta Haute List

Spotted: Out Of Place Billionaire at Café Frequented for Photo Ops

Our favorite Olsen brothers may have been living quieter lives lately, given two of the three now have growing families, but the unattached middle brother, Payton, was seen at an Atlanta café known more for cutesy cappuccinos and pretty pastries than drawing someone of his caliber. The reason for his visit to the unusual location was revealed later when another member of his family joined him, but our Hauties in the know who initially spotted him were quite surprised. While waiting, the COO of Olympus International looked extra cozy with an unknown blonde patron of the café before his sister-in-law, Harlowe Olsen, methim for coffee, animated conversation, and an introduction to the mystery lady. What we wouldn't have given to have been the object of his attention while he waited! Lucky girl, indeed.

Payton, the mastermind of spin behind Olympus International PR, has always taken a back seat to his brothers when it comes to the stories that are written about his family and business. Cleverly crafted PR planning on his part or simply a squeaky-clean image? We’re hoping we’ll finally get to know more about the most elusive of the Olsens, who is now the most eligible billionaire bachelor in our illustrious city. As the last to be connected romantically, single ladies in Atlanta, and the South, are salivating for a piece of Olympus, wanting to know him and what he’s looking for romantically. Has the mystery woman from the café made a bid for his attention outside of the quick meeting for coffee and cuddles? You know we’ll be watching intently, looking for every delicious morsel we can find to share with you Hauties. Remember to hit Like and Subscribe for all the Haute Gossip!



My phone vibrates as I catch up on my guilty pleasure of trashy TV—tonight it’sThe Real Housewives of Atlanta. I blindly reach for it, wondering if it’s Reid with edits for me to go over before he runs my story. Instead, it’s a text from an unknown number, and it immediately sets me on edge.

Unknown: What are you up to, Muffin?

I read the text again, knowing who it’s from but wanting to make him think I don’t. I thought I was in the clear for a while because our performance for Harlowe at the café convinced her she didn’t need to set him up, despite her insistence that I join him at theevents she’s planned.

Me: Wrong number.

Unknown: Definitely the right number. You put it in yourself.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: I like you playing hard to get.

Me: Tell me before I block you.

Unknown: You get one guess, you overly caffeinated, cranky little spitfire. I told you a third sweet cream iced coffee would get you wound up too tightly.

I groan and drop my phone. He’s just as annoying in text as he is in person. I wanted to halt any communication by playing ignorant, hoping he thought I’d given him a fake number. Of course, that's not my luck. I pick it back up and quickly save the number in my contacts. At least now I’ll know when he texts or calls and can ignore him properly.

Me: Payton. You obnoxious, persistent prick.

Annoying Payton: You’re such a smart girl. Now what are we going to do about you being so wound up? You’re just as testy in text as you are in person. At least you’re consistent.

Me: “We” won’t be doing anything. Leave me alone.