“Ventriloquist dummy? This I have to see.”
I turn to Hayes, my cheeks heating with a blush of embarrassment. “I’m sure if you asked Mama nicely enough, she would dig out the photos and home videos for you. It was terrible. Speak of the devil,” I finish softly, catching sight of Mama.
“That’s my role, honey, don’t give it to anyone else. She can be the harpy.”
I cover my mouth with my hand as I nearly choke on my laughter. “You are so bad. I really hate that I have the visual of Mama as a harpy now and I can’t unsee it.”
“Paige,” Mama calls as she winds her way to me and Hayes, sounding just as sharp as I would imagine a harpy does. “It’s about time you got here. The Declans have been asking about you and I am tired of making your excuses.”
“Good to see you too, Mama. Merry Christmas.” I kiss her cheek and force her to hug me even though she’s flustered.
“Caroline, you look beautiful. Thank you for having us tonight. There is nowhere we’d rather spend Christmas Eve than with family.”
Mama snaps her beautifully coiffed blonde head toward Hayes and narrows her eyes as if speculating on the validity of his statement.
“As Paige is our only child, I’m sure you can imagine how important spending time with her is. I’m actually quite surprised you didn’t whisk her off somewhere in an attempt to keep her away from us out of spite.”
“Mama, there is really no need to be rude. Hayes and I are happy to be here tonight, and we won’t settle for you borrowing trouble where there isn’t any. Where’s Daddy?” I divert her attention from sniping at Hayes and she looks over her shoulder with agitation at the crowd gathering in the lobby.
“Oh, Mayor Declan got his claws in early and is buttering your daddy up for reelection campaign funds. Come on then, we’ll go together.” Mama turns and leads us into the Christmas Eve fray.
Hayes and I greet Daddy and rescue him from Mayor Declan, who attempts to solicit Hayes for his support without any subtlety, before we can extricate ourselves from any social obligations and introductions for a moment.
I am more than relieved to not see hide nor hair of the Daniels family. I don’t think I could have taken another run in with Garrison, walking free and untouched from his past deeds. They’re probably afraid of the dirt Hayes has on them, and rightly so. That may have been part of the reason the Daniels didn’t fight to keep their company when Hayes bought it and gifted it to Daddy and Mama.
The loss of a business isn’t as bad as the possible scandal of their coverups for their rapist son coming into the light of day. It would be especially bad since the same son just passed the bar and is supposed to be a law-abiding citizen and lawyer, not a rapist whose parents paid off his victims to keep them quiet.
I shudder even thinking about it now.
The only saving grace is that Hayes knows the truth of him, with plenty of proof to keep them on the right side of the law. Hopefully that will be enough to keep Garrison from doing it again.
I do, however, see Liliana Bailey and her family, and that is nearly as bad as seeing Garrison.
When she spots me, her lip curls and she gives me a quick head-to-toe once over as she starts our way in a fluttering peach dress.Peach? In December?I turn back to Hayes to avoid the continued appraisal. I’m fine, there is nothing to worry about, I repeat in my head.
“Paige, youmustintroduce me to your new husband and tell me all about your whirlwind romance.”
I cringe hearing Liliana’s voice behind me and know I did not get lucky enough to avoid her, after all. Hayes feels me tense and protectively tucks me into his side before turning us both toward her, leaving his arm around my shoulders. I desperately look around for someone to demand our attention, but Liliana has us cornered and even Mama is busy elsewhere.
“Liliana Bailey,” I say, my voice cracking as I try to make the proper introductions. “This is Hayes Olsen, my husband.”
“It is a pleasure,” Liliana says, coming in close and grasping onto Hayes’s arm, which he hasn’t extended to her. “I have heard so much about you. Paige and I go way back,” she gushes to Hayes, and all I can think of is how she made me cry the last time I ran into her.
My eyes prick with the same feeling now, and I force myself to breathe deeply and stave off the waterworks of frustration and shame.
“Paige has never mentioned you. I guess you weren’t that big a part of her life,” Hayes says, cutting, yet not cruel enough to really sink through her thick skin.
Liliana releases Hayes’s arm like it burned her, then covers the move by smoothing her auburn hair behind her ear like that was her intention all along. “Well, we will have to fix that. It’s been too long since Paige and I have had a chance to catch up. If you two are free tomorrow, you can stop by the Christmas celebration at my parents’ home. Paige, you remember where they live?”
I nod, but Hayes speaks before I can make our excuses.
“We will be far too busy to make it,” he says in answer, but his eyes are on me, drinking in my face, and traveling lower with a look of deep appreciation. “Paige keeps me very busy these days, and well, there’s not much else that I would rather do than make sure she is incredibly satisfied… with every aspect of our life together.” He strokes a thumb along my jaw and turns my chin up so he can place a slow kiss on my lips. It is chaste enough not to be criticized by the crowd, but is full of enough heat and longing to make his point to Liliana.
My cheeks are burning when he finishes, but I’m not embarrassed, I’m triumphant. Hayes is my champion, but he is all deference to my sexiness and his desire for me, and that gives me a boost of confidence and power that Liliana normally crushes out of me just by existing.
Liliana’s face is a mask of rage when I finally turn her way again.
“Sorry,” I sing-song, not at all apologetic.