“Not really.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“Well, I think you’re going to need to, because the only other alternative is to suspend you.”
“Be my guest. I have a lawyer.”
Hmmm. Most employees don’t have a lawyer conveniently tucked up their sleeve.
“You’re still on probation here.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“No, I’m reminding you of the terms of your contract and the procedures that will have to be gone through to resolve a matter like this where another member of staff has accused you of harassment. Probation means that …”
“I understand what probation is,” he snarls.
With all the employment issues I’ve dealt with in the past year, I know that people like Rodrigo can bring a world of trouble. I should have listened to my gut when it told me we’d made a mistake that first day at the briefing. Why do people have to be assholes?
“Besides”—he waves a hand around—“she came on to me. Always these young girls think they can get away with accusing people and you will buckle. I am a happily married man.” He puffs out his chest, and I’m struck by an irresistible urge to giggle. Is he insane? What pills are these people taking?
But hang on,always these young girls? There’s been more than one?
“In what way did she come on to you?”
“She is always wearing short skirts and low-cut tops. Every day she leans over my desk and I can see right down to her lacy bra.Every day.”
Oh myGod.
“She’s working with you on the project. I don’t think …”
“And then, after she keeps doing this, when I corner her and put my hand up her skirt, she shouts at me and calls me an asshole. It was a clear invitation, no?”
Jesus, poor Amy.
“What a woman wears is up to her, her choice. It doesn’t mean she’s wearing those clothes to suggest anything to you. It’s not an invitation. It’s crazy that I have to say this at all, Rodrigo.”
He snorts. “What would you understand about women and what they do.” He waves his hand down my body. Jesus, why the hell am I standing here discussing this and not talking to Alex already?
“I’m terminating your employment as of today. We’ll pay your outstanding salary for the rest of the month. If you could clear your desk immediately and …”
“You are taking her side?” he says, his accent getting more pronounced as his voice rises to a shout.
“It’s not a question of sides. I don’t think things are working out here, do you, Rodrigo?” I say.
“But it is not right that this should happen so soon …”
So soon, hunh? Interesting choice of words.
“You cannot do this with no warning! I have a wife and children, and …”
Walking toward the door, I say, “It’s best if we terminate your employment now. There have been several incidents with your work here, and I think for your sake and the sake of the company, we should all move on.”
He opens his mouth, but I open the glass door and head out. I am not spending one more minute on this man when Alex is waiting for me. But when I head toward the seating area, the sofa is empty.
“Where’s Alex?” I ask Cath.
“Oh!” She looks up. “He’s gone?”