Page 73 of The Photograph

Inspecting the pictures again, I spot another one of Nate with a young Ruth hanging on his arm.Their wedding day. She’s a knockout.

“Ruth, you’re lying to me,” I say, plucking the photo out of the middle of everything else. “Look at you!”

“Well, I was all done up for my wedding day, of course …”

I examine her face in the picture, and the kind eyes next to me and the twinkling smile.

“I don’t think so. You were beautiful then and you’re still beautiful now.”

She purses her lips at me. “Oh, you are a one! Are you trying to charm me like you’ve charmed our Alex?”

Oh, shiiiiit.

Does she know?

Alex makes some gesture with his hand. “You know all my friends, Nana. They’re always charming.”

And I’m being way too obvious here. I stare down at the photo in my hands, trying to swallow down the rising tide of panic. I don’t want to get Alex into trouble. He’s cultivating this careful picture with his family that I can see is delicate. I can’t blow it all to smithereens by outing him with one visit. I’m an idiot.

His grandma rests her hand on my forearm. “Are you all right, young man?”

Smiling widely, I say, “I’m great.”

Alex studies me as we head out of the elevator. “Did you have to do that?”

“Do what?” I say, stomach churning.

“Charm the pants off my nana. Once we started on the sherry …” He groans. “All that stuff about my grandpa. He was such a scoundrel!”

Cackling, I sling my arm over his shoulder. “Ruth is a doll. I had an amazing time today. Did I do wrong?”

He glances at me sideways, a small smile playing around his mouth. “No, of course not. You’re a charmer, Des.”

I drop my arm as the doorman holds the elevator door open for us and I grin happily at him. That sherry was as delicious as the food and the company. As delicious as Alex. Shit. I’ve definitely drunk too much. Inches away from my mouth, Alex’s lips are ruby red like cherries.

“How about coming back to my place?” I say.

He shakes his head, and I pout.

“You don’t think she’s on to us, do you?” he says, turning and starting down the street. “That comment she made about you charming me …”

I shrug. What do I care? I want to get laid. Lie down on a bed with my gorgeous boyfriend.

As we head toward the subway, I slide my hand around his waist.

“Please come home with me,” I mumble as my hand drifts down to his ass.

“Des!” he says, taking my hand from his pants and squeezing it. He glances behind him up the street.

I look, too, and when I turn back, a worried frown is creasing his forehead. “I’m sorry, I’m still not used to …” he starts.

It’s a completely new experience having a guy who behaves like Alex. Normally, guys are all over me. If I’d done that to any other gay man, they’d have pushed me into the wall and kissed me senseless.

“It’s fine,” I interrupt, but even I can hear the wobble in my voice.

But Alex steps right up to me and runs a soft finger across my lips. “You know it isn’t because I don’t want to, don’t you?”

I nod. His eyes flick to mine, warm and earnest.