“Are you okay?”
“Because you did.” Breath. “What I’m always telling you.” Breath. “Not to do.”
His hands left his hips, and he seemed to have lost track of them. One of them floated out at his side. The other he pressed to his chest before seeming to become aware of it again and pulling it away.
“I think you need to sit down—”
“You ran off on your own.” Breath. “Like a child.”
“I’m okay. Everything’s okay, Bobby. I think you need to take a deep breath—”
“Everything isnotokay!” His shout was strangely high pitched. “What if something happened to you?” And then his eyes got huge, and he pressed his hands to his chest and said in a normal tone, like we were having an ordinary conversation, “I think I’m having a heart attack.”
“Dash?” Indira called from down the road.
“It’s Bobby!” I shouted back. I got an arm under him to keep him from falling, which wasn’t as easy as it sounds—Bobby is like 99% muscle, and I’m, well—what kind of paper do they make ice cream cartons out of?
The Last Picks hurried toward us as I lurched around, trying to keep Bobby (and me) from falling.
“What’s wrong?” Indira asked.
“He said he was having a heart attack,” Keme said. The boy was white with what I realized, a moment later, was fear.
“He’s not having a heart attack,” I said. My brain was starting to kick into gear after the shock. “He’s in perfect health, he works out a ridiculous amount, and he doesn’t even eat breakfast cookies or lunch cookies. He probably has the cholesterol levels of a stick of celery.”
Bobby wasn’t contributing much to the conversation at this point beyond the shrill, rapid breaths of hyperventilation.
“People in seemingly perfect health have cardiac events all the time,” Indira said, pulling her phone from her purse. “I’m calling an ambulance.”
“How long is that going to take?” Keme asked. His voice was so tight with worry that I almost didn’t recognize it. “That’s going to take too long. We should drive him.” He looked like he tried to stop, but then he blurted, “We need to give him some Xanax.”
That particular statement merited further investigation, I decided—I wanted to know what was happening, or had happened, in Keme’s life that his first recourse was to dope someone up. But that was for later.
Millie looked equally at sea. “You should pat him on the back.”
“He’s not a newborn,” I said.
“You should lay him on the ground and pump his legs,” Fox said. Even they sounded a bit frazzled. “Get the bad air out of his system.”
“I have no idea what that means,” I said, “but it sounds like something from a spaghetti Western.” Indira opened her mouth to say something, but I said, “Take it from someone who’s had a baker’s dozen of them: Bobby’s having a panic attack.”
Bobby moaned and shook his head, trying to say something.
“You’re okay,” I said. “I’m going to help him walk a little. He’ll be all right in a few minutes.”
“Dash—” Indira tried.
“You can call the ambulance if you want, but I think he’d rather talk to a doctor on his own. You know, privately.”
She looked unhappy, but she didn’t respond, and the phone stayed clutched at her side.
After a few final adjustments to make sure I could support Bobby’s weight, I got us moving. We shuffled away from our friends. Bobby was still struggling to breathe. He was also still sweating. Like, a lot. Broken asphalt and loose stone crunched underfoot. The car I’d seen down the highway rushed past us, and the wall of air that rolled out behind it smelled like dieselexhaust and hot rubber. Ahead of us, the sky was darkening to purple, and a line of cedars looked so perfect they might have been storybook illustrations.
After maybe a hundred yards, Bobby took a deeper breath, and the one after that was even deeper. He patted my arm, and I took that as a sign to stop. He leaned on me as he brought his breathing under control. Then, slowly, he covered his face with one hand.
He didn’t need to tell me how hard this was for him—not just the physically awful experience of a panic attack (which, if you’ve never had one, actually does feel like a heart attack), but even more so, the loss of control. Because Bobby wanted so desperately to be in control. Not in a bad way, but in control of himself. Of his body. Of his emotions. And so, naturally, anything that made him lose control was terrifying. It felt like a lifetime ago when he’d told me that, when our relationship had been different, and he’d trusted me.
“Can I do something for you?” I asked.