She forced herself to concentrate only on Kingston and not the beasts lined against the walls listening to this depraved punishment. Kingston’s spicy sharp scent of pine and ocean and spice surrounded her, his even breaths drowning out everything else. It was a vacuum of sight, hearing, and aromas, and she melted into it.
Only Kingston existed inside this den of lions.
“Open your mouth.” A thumb slid over her bottom lip, rubbing back and forth. “Wider.”
When her lips parted, Kingston let out a low groan of approval. Then his cock was sliding between her lips, the belt holding her hostage so she could not back away. Panic overtook her for a brief second, convinced she could not properly breathe, and he stilled completely, allowing her a moment to adjust and evaluate what it meant to have a man filling her mouth.
He tasted like fresh linen and musk. Salt. Flesh. Insanity. Possession.
“Relax your throat and breathe through your nose. That’s it. There’s a good girl. Just like that,” Kingston murmured in a rough voice.
He pumped shallowly, slowing when she gagged, giving her a precious few seconds of recovery before resuming with leisurely intent. Rather than thrusting up into her mouth, he used the belt to pull her down onto his cock, releasing slightly so she could withdraw, then forcing her back down.
“I know you’ve never given head before, Ava. But you are so fucking good at this.” He pulled her closer, holding her in place for a long moment, her mouth full of him, her breathing held hostage as he dominated her. He wasn’t even all the way inside, but still, the thick girth and length choked her. “Another of your firsts I’ve claimed.”
He let her go and Ava fell back, gulping for air while staring at him over the muscled slabs of his stomach.
“More,” he growled, and Ava hated herself. Because that single word and all it implied twisted inside her untilshewas the one who needed more. She did not understand herself. Could not understand why she was allowing him to do this to her.
She bent forward again, her mouth molding around his flesh, her tongue swirling in a tentative motion that wrung a satisfied grunt out of her tormentor.
Kingston’s free hand meshed in her tangled hair, and he pushed her head down while also pulling the belt taut.
Too much…
Ava moaned at his roughness. Her teeth raked the head of his cock.
Kingston jerked her head back and half-shoved her off of him, glaring down at her.
“Were you feeling an overwhelming need to bite, little lamb? After all the warnings I’ve given you?” His fingers wrapped so tight in her hair that she could not move. His voice was a silken web of cruelty and simmering violence. He could snap her neck and not think twice about it.
“Please,” Ava gasped in pain and surprise. “It was an accident. I’ve never done this before. Please… don’t hurt me.”
I hate myself for begging for his mercy. But what else can I do? Begging means survival in this den of madness.
“Fuck me,” Oliver groaned from his place along the wall. “You’re killing us, King. Goddamn killing us.”
Still staring at Ava, Kingston addressed his brother. “Look this way even once, Oliver, and I will pluck out your eyes.”
“Don’t want us watching you with a woman like our father did, Kingston? That was what he enjoyed most, wasn’t it? Making us participate while he hurt his women. Women like my mother,” Oliver snapped in reply.
“Shut the fuck up, little brother. I’m nothing like him, no matter how many times you accuse me of it.”
Oliver chuckled, resting his forehead against the thick plaster wall. “Don’t kid yourself, King. We’rejustlike him. Both of us. Depraved and damaged. You, because of what he made you do. Me, because I was forced to watch.” Oliver may not have liked it, but he heeded Kingston’s warning and kept his eyes trained on the wall. “We’re sick bastards and you know it. Everyone knows it.”
The men lined up did not dare turn around. Their heavy breaths filled the room. There were groans of frustration. The subtle shifting of bodies as erections were adjusted and crotches tugged. Whatever Oliver was talking about, his references to their childhood and the awful things Kingston did at his father’s command, was swallowed up by the increasing aggression of the room.
An animalistic tension was growing, and Ava was acutely aware of it. Kingston’s men were disintegrating into some sort of feral state, driven by lust and instinct. Hunters in pursuit of prey. Hungry enough to snatch a doe away from a lion and rip her to shreds in a sexual frenzy.
“How long is this punishment gonna go on?” Oliver muttered. “Because I gotta go jerk myself off after this. Me and all the other blue balls pressed against this goddamn wall.”
Kingston either did not care what his men were experiencing or he was supremely confident in his ability to control them. He never turned his attention away from Ava while ignoring his brother’s complaints.
“An accident?” Kingston breathed, repeating her stammered excuse. Dark blue eyes blazed with molten fire as he stared down at her. Then his lips twisted into a cruel smirk. “All right. Do it again. Slowly.” His hand pushed her head back toward his erection, forcing compliance. “Put your hands around the base and tease the tip with your tongue and teeth.”
Flushing pink from the dirtiness of the order, Ava wrapped her fingers around him and did as he asked. He groaned heavily, his hips jerking upward.