Page 53 of A King So Savage

The shoes were the most surprising. There were dozens to choose from—stilettos, kitten heels, boots, tennis shoes, and strappy flat sandals in a myriad of colors. While exploring the house and grounds earlier that day, she’d worn a comfortable pair of English riding-style, knee-high boots. She did not even want to dwell on the fact all the clothes and shoes were her exact size and fit her personal style and taste. It was as though Kingston had always planned on plucking her out of her old life and plugging her into this one.

With a huff, Ava pushed her thoughts aside and selected a pair of black Louboutins. The heels were so high she might as well be tottering around on circus stilts. Sheer, thigh-high stockings completed the ensemble, and from the array of expensive cosmetics in the luxurious bathroom, she applied pale, golden brown eyeshadow and blood-red lipstick. Her hair was twisted into an elegant bun with curling tendrils framing her face in a style she’d seen her mother wear many times in the past.

Ava stared at her reflection, her heart squeezing tight with apprehension. “Oh, Ava. You look like a high-priced call girl,” she muttered beneath her breath.

Perhaps that was Kingston’s intention. A cruel reminder that she was temporarily his property. A little doll he could dress up as he pleased. A pet to trot about whenever he wished to be entertained.

Ava tugged the hem of the dress down with a scowl. It was much shorter than she would have liked. She was horribly exposed. Bare. Vulnerable.

With a sigh, she sat on the edge of the king-sized bed. No more cold cells and damp stone walls. No more of the tiny cot that barely accommodated the full length of her body. No more staring at wall manacles and reliving every moment that Kingston Winter destroyed her with heartless caresses. Now, instead of being locked in, she could lock people out.

Except him. She could not lock him out.

What punishment would be exacted if she tried? Ava shivered, a chill passing through her at the thought of defying Kingston. The confusing thing was, her body also tingled with something forbidden. Something dark and needy.

But why? Why should she find excitement in his threats of punishment? In his cruel caresses? His savage nature should repel her. Kingston Winter had blood on his hands and a chunk of ice for a heart. And Ava’s limited experience with men had her instincts screaming with a warning. He was no different from Carson and his group of friends. Men who squeezed and pinched and took what they wanted despite a woman’s cries to stop.

A low knock on the door interrupted Ava’s thoughts and sent her heart leaping up into her throat. Her escort had arrived, ready to lead her down to the gladiator’s arena.

Opening the door after unclicking the double locks revealed Paulie in the corridor. His eyes widened slightly at seeing her, but a warm smile curved his mouth and immediately put Ava at ease.

“I’m here to take you to Kingston, miss.”

Ava nodded. “Yes. I suppose you are.”

“Are you ready?”

Ava inclined her head and exited the room, pulling the door shut behind her. “Would it matter if I said no? I’m not ready for whatever your boss has planned for me.”

“As far as I’m aware,” Paulie turned pink, “it’s just dinner.”

“I’m sure he has more depraved plans than just sharing a meal.”

Paulie’s jaw tightened. “I couldn’t say, miss.”

Ava crossed her arms, staring at the man for a long moment before sighing heavily. “I’m sorry, Paulie. I know this entire ordeal is not of your doing. I shouldn’t take my frustration out on you. Or Jack, for that matter.”

Paulie extended his arm, indicating she should begin walking. “This is certainly a difficult situation for you, miss. Kingston can be… stubborn… on certain matters. He expects obedience in all things, especially from those of us who work for him.”

“I understand. You are just doing what you’ve been instructed and paid to do,” Ava replied. “Even if it isn’t right I’m kept as a hostage.”

“Yes, miss.” Paulie’s relief in light of Ava’s reluctant understanding was painfully evident. He seemed almost embarrassed by his role in the entire affair. How odd for a man employed by a mysterious king of the underworld and ruler of its miscreants.

“Have you worked for him very long?” It was important to discover just how deep the loyalty ran in these men working for Kingston. Who might be swayed to her side when faced with the choice between right and wrong? Would a single one of them abandon their vow of service to a heartless monster? She wondered if they would have leaped into action had she tried escaping during Kingston’s absence.

“Years, miss,” Paulie said, giving her an odd look as if realizing the direction of Ava’s questions. “And I worked for his father before that.”

“I see.”

They continued through the dizzying twists and turns of the corridors toward what Ava assumed was the final destination of a dining room.

“Miss?” Paulie’s voice was soft with understanding. “It may not seem like it from where you stand, but Kingston is a man of his word—good or bad. A man of principles, regardless of how perverse they may seem to an outsider. If he says he’ll release you when the debt is paid, he will.”

“I’m afraid of what he’ll do when my brother continues ignoring his demands,” Ava replied solemnly.

Paulie’s weathered features turned equally grim. He scrubbed a hand through short salt and pepper hair. “Like I said, good or bad, he keeps his word.

The dining room was one of the areas Ava was free to utilize inside the house. She’d not paid it much attention when Kingston showed it to her before, but it truly was decadent. It resembled something straight out of a European castle, and under other circumstances, Ava would have delighted in its overwhelming grandeur.