“Hopefully, it won’t,” he said, kissing her one final time. After that, his mouth would be busy elsewhere.
She had sensitive breasts. That might even be underselling things. Based on how aroused she’d gotten when he’d been touching her through her dress on New Year’s Eve, he suspected that she’d either end up hating or loving—obsessively so—what he was about to do to her. That was why he started so slowly.
He began by placing his hands on her sides. She tensed, drawing in a sharp inhale, but otherwise remained quiet. He didn’t pick up his hands, instead shifting along her fair skin toward the round bases of her breasts. His fingertips detected her pulse through that contact; her heart was racing.
Inches before his fingers would have met the beginning of her breasts, he realized something. It almost caused him to groan. Here he was, thinking he was starting to get good at this sort of thing, yet he’d outright skipped an important step. Well, better late than never. He assumed.
“You look so beautiful, Anna,” he whispered.
A whisper no louder than two strands of silk sliding across one another reached his ears. “Thank you.”
He set his hands on Anna’s breasts with all the tenderness he could muster. For a brief moment, even though she was anything but icy to the touch, his mind turned to igloos. Probably best to keep that thought to himself, even from the igloo maker herself.
At half the speed he would have used with Avril or Tess, Liam swept his hands around Anna’s breasts. Instead of shrinking from his touch, Anna arched into it. She’d shut her eyes and just relied on what she felt. Liam did everything he could to ensure it was holistically pleasurable from start to finish.
In an act that would have her father fuming if he ever found out, Liam began to knead Anna’s breasts. It was time to confirm things. Were they as sensitive as he thought, or had the situation influenced how strongly she’d reacted on New Year’s Eve?
The latter probablyhadplayed a part in it, but the former was quickly confirmed. With a gentle but skilled touch developed through a suite of experiences over winter break, Liam began to chip away at Anna’s defenses. As would be the case, they were more sand than sandstone.
Anna drew in a sharp breath as his fingertips skimmed over her breasts. As they gave before the pressure of his fingertips, and as he began to draw invisible script across them.
He’d learned quite a bit from Avril and Tess. He wasstilllearning. However, to someone with Anna’s experience, he was miles beyond what she was probably expecting. Unless she’d been getting reports from Avril. Which, for a smorgasbord’s worth of reasons, he doubted.
For the first few minutes, he stayed away from her nipples. An early lesson, that. Yeah, they naturally grabbed attention,and yeah, they were usually big pleasure points. But they weren’t the only ones. He’d get there eventually.
“Everything good?” he asked, knowing that it was.
“Y-Yes,” Anna said, fidgeting as he lowered his mouth and breathed cool air around her left areola, but not on it. “It’s really good.”
“Can I use more than my hands?”
“If—if you think it’s a good idea.”
“I think we’ll both enjoy it.”
Anna swallowed and nodded, hands balling up into fists by her sides as he transferred his left hand to her right breast. Now, with ten fingers on a single beautiful mound, he began massaging it with smooth, circular motions. Anna immediately whimpered pleasurably. He kept at it for minutes, even though he’d gotten her okay to use his mouth. He made sure to cover every place his fingertips could find. He even moved his fingers around her areola a few times.
“Mind your breathing,” he whispered, momentarily feeling like a yoga instructor. “It feels good, right?”
“It does.”
Grinning jubilantly, Liam finally brought his lips to Anna’s breast. The same one his warm fingers lathered. He pressed his fingertips in a little deeper, upping the tempo. He could see her better now; his vision had adjusted to the darkness. Anna immediately clenched her jaw, but the beginnings of a moan eked like smoke between her soft lips.
He almost diverted his mouth to kiss those lips, but he forced himself to stay the course. His mouth dropped to the upper half of her areola, where he pressed a generous kiss against it. He felt her nipple, stiff with arousal, against his lower lip. Leaving a wet mark—the first of many—upon her breast, he worked his way around her nipple, dragging his lips over herskin as he did so. A dry area, a kiss. A dry area, a kiss. Around and around the stiff, pert protrusion he went.
Anna didnotmind her breathing. Rather, it seemed that she couldn’t. A fuller moan fluttered out of her lips, and she arched into the next kiss he laid upon her sensitive body. As a reward, Liam decided to run his tongue over her nipple. Underneath him, Anna brought her knees together, fidgeting with an air of desperation.
“Should I keep at it?” Liam asked, kissing the final untouched area around her nipple.
“Yes. Please.”
It was practically a prayer, and it practically set him on fire. He rubbed his tongue over her nipple a second time, then a third. Pursing his lips, he finally took it between his teeth, then began to suck.
“Ohhh!” Anna cried, shuddering like a flimsy curtain battered by a storm.
Liam sucked a little harder. Anna moaned a little louder. He kept massaging her breast, pushing his fingertips into her breasts while he made those circular motions. He sucked alittleharder, then gently tested her preferences with a single bite.
Anna hissed and climaxed right then and there.