Like she was somehow worried that he might say no. Yeah, the day that happened, he needed to be tossed into a horror movie’s rendition of a 1930s asylum. Straitjacket and all.
“We should,” he said, body thrumming with unconcealable anticipation.
Anna noticed, and she beamed because of it. As he stood up, she did the same. They kissed again, and then, arms wrapped around one another, they practically toppled onto his bed like twin trees knocked down simultaneously.
The springs on his bed bounced them into the air a few inches, and Anna somehow ended up on top of him. They continued kissing, and Anna laid her hands against the sides of his head. She arched into the kiss, leaving them both breathless and slightly dizzy when it ended.
Anna stared down at him, eyes sparkling like veins of newly uncovered teal quartz. Her lips, full and sensual, trembled with a need that she couldn’t quite speak aloud. Somehow, Liam read her thoughts.
“Let’s swap positions,” he whispered. He lifted a hand, stopping Anna, who had begun to obey immediately. “But first, take off your shirt.”
Her eyes widened, and if there was a hue ofredderthan crimson, Anna’s face discovered it. Yet, that didn’t stop her from nodding. Her fingertips grabbed hold of the fabric at the hem. Anna breathed in deeply, steadying herself slightly. She was trembling, and Liam started to misread it for anxiety, not anticipation.
That ended when Anna swiftly removed her shirt and revealed a rather sexy lace bra.
He sensed Avril’s hand in this. But… maybe not. He remembered where things had been heading on New Year’s Eve, andthathad been in a public—in a way—place. An intimate, arousing place. Now, with his door closed and his roommate away, it was just the two of them. So, maybe this was all Anna.
All of Anna wasmorethan enough to turn him on completely. Less than all. Even while still wearing a bra and leggings, she’d already set him from simmering to sizzling.
She hovered over him, gripping her shirt in one hand. That almost distracted him from her sheer beauty. Even now, she couldn’t do what most women would do and just toss an unnecessary article of clothing to the floor.
Anna’s curvaceous hips led up to her narrow waist and ticklish sides, though he wouldn’t learn about that weakness until later. Her figure flowed like a current of air dipping from a hilltop to a valley, and it carried him along with it. His eyes traveled along her enticing figure, rising to a pair of heavenly peaks. Large, round, andentirelyunexplored.
Anna’s lace bra had wavy frills running along the bottom and across the angular cuts that showed off her cleavage. It pushed her breasts slightly upward, causing them to look as if they might spill out if a bit more upward force was provided.
An intriguing option, though Liam held back his hands until he could rediscover his voice. This was probably the first time Anna hadevershown off her body like this. They both knew the plan was for him to do more than just look.
“Should I take off my bra?” Anna asked uncertainly.
“Depends on how far you want things to go,” Liam said, reining in his lust, which would have had him flipping her onto her back this very moment. While he might be relatively inexperienced, all things considered, he was the one person in the room who’d done stuff like this before. It was his job to see to Anna’s comfort and care. He understood that.
After a moment more, Anna nodded. Drawing in a deep breath, she began reaching around her back to move her hair out of the way. Liam quietly reveled in that simple act. What it led to.
Anna unhooked her bra, and Liam held his breath. Black straps loosened their perches on her slender shoulders. Biting her lip, half in arousal, half in nervousness, Anna freed her breasts from her bra.
Liam liked his dorm. He liked his roommate. He even liked Perrymont. But the fact that he lived a city over from the perfectly round, perfectly perky, perfectly large pair of breasts that Anna revealed to him, yeah, that absolutely sucked.
In the same size category as Avril’s, maybe even slightly more prominent, but with slightly smaller areolae, Liam tried not to staretoointensely. But it was hard, especially when they bounced slightly as Anna undid her bra, which freed them from its upward push. All in all, Liam was instantly besotted by the sight. But he was also amused.
“You can put those wherever you want, Anna,” he said, nodding toward the articles of clothing in her grasp, one in each hand.
Anna quickly looked around for a place to drop off her clothes. She actuallygot up.Liam tried to hide his amusement as, topless, she moved over to his desk and then neatly laid her clothes over the back of his chair. She must have found him grinning from ear to ear when she turned around, for she blushed furiously.
“It’s fine,” he promised, sitting up. “Hit the lights, then come back to me, Anna.”
She did. The room turned dark. The outdoor lights that Grant hated so much slithered between the gaps in his blinds. It’d be a little while before their night vision adjusted. For now, the light they had was just enough for him to see Anna and for Anna to see him.
After bathing his room in darkness, she returned to him. He stood up at the last possible second, kissed her, then spun them both. Still kissing her, he gently lowered her onto her back on his bed. He followed, positioning himself above her.
“My turn to be on top,” he said, moving his lips to her jawline. She shivered under his touch, then nodded.
“I don’t mind,” she whispered. Even in the dark, he felt as though he could see the purity of her eyes.Inher eyes, as well. That gave him pause.
Right. You’ve got a little bit more you need to say.
“If I do anything you’re uncomfortable with, even a little, say so, okay? I won’t take off any more of your clothes, and I’m going to be pretty gentle. I really want this to be a good experience for you.”
His sheets rustled softly as Anna nodded. “I’ll speak up if any of that happens.”