I’m currently administering an exam,Victoria replied a minute later.You’ll have to go “without” for a little longer.
Liam had never been so thrilled in his life to be told he needed to be patient. Relief poured itself over him like warm honey, soothing the tension that had locked up his muscles. It’d have been easy to accept Victoria’s promise of later, then wait cheerily until that time arrived. Yet, optimism pressed him forward.
Could I see?he asked.
My exam hall and students?Victoria soon asked.There’ll be a lot of bowed heads to look at.
Maybe Bellmore was a little more elite than Perrymont, but he doubted their professors were doing anything different when pencils were bubbling in answers on an exam sheet. They weresitting at their desk, more often than not. Able to text much younger men at their leisure.
I was thinking of what was on the other side of your phone, actually,he said.How does Professor Moreno look when she’s teaching?
I’m not doing very much teaching right now,she replied. But it wasn’t a no.
Which makes it a good time to snap a picture or two,Liam pressed, remaining hopeful that Victoria was more amused than bothered by his insistences.
Still, he could practically hear her sighing on the other end of her phone. He probably would have backed off if she’d pushed back in this reply. Thankfully, that wasn’t an issue he needed to worry about. A short time later, he got his first look at Victoria in a professional setting. He very much hoped that it wouldn’t be the last.
The selfie showed him another up-close reminder of how vividly blue Victoria’s eyes were. Taken from a slightly low angle, the gorgeous professor stared into her phone’s camera, almost making him feel as if she knew exactly where he was—like she could see him through the image. He commiserated with any troublemakers in her classroom; her severe gaze would be enough to freeze them solid. She’d propped an elbow on her desk, tilting her head to lean it against her hand. From that powerful stare to her soft, luscious mouth, everything about her was positively stunning.
He couldn’t see too much below her face, though she was wearing an off-white turtleneck with a somewhat unique collar, the fabric folding over itself in a diagonal fashion around her throat. Even if he couldn’t see anything below that point, like everything else she wore, he imagined it clung tightly to her alluring figure.
Wow,he soon responded.Have to give it four points.
Thatreceives four points?Victoria replied.
How couldn’t it? If I had a professor who looked like you, I don’t think I’d ever miss a single class.
You had better not be missing classes, not with what you want to do,Victoria texted back. Another message followed in its wake.But thank you for the compliment. I’ll see what I can send once my classroom is empty.
With that simple remark, Liam’s heart skyrocketed into his throat. Breaking out into the stupidest grin of his life, he didn’t even notice as a couple of students passing by threw him odd looks. He was as far from caring about that as an Eskimo caring about a hurricane. And so he grinned. Like an idiot. One extraordinarily happy idiot.
Not for one second did he think that Victoria had slipped up, unaware of what those four points he’d given to her selfie meant. That she didn’t need to send a single picture more, that they were all but officially Fiji-bound. He knew she knew, and so he knew she wanted to keep sending him pictures. He also now figured it was the right time to ask for a different kind of favor, one he’d been mulling over asking for a few days now.
Okay,he sent.By the way, would you happen to be any good at chess?
Chess? I’m competent. Why?
Last weekend, I learned that Tess is really good at chess, and pretty competitive about it. I got smoked. She said I was free to challenge her again anytime, but I know I need a lot of help if I’m going to make things close.
After sending the message, he settled back on the bench. Excluding the date that he’d given her, everything else was truthful—and if Victoria knew Tess nearly half as well as he believed she did, nothing about what he’d just typed out should raise any red flags. She knew the two of them were close; that was it. She’d also probably know how competitive Tess could get.
That sounds like her,Victoria eventually responded.She becomes a hawk among baby birds when it comes to chess—a little like you do when it comes to cards.
Guilty as charged. But you all can get lucky against me. I know there’s not much luck in chess. So, I’m looking for a teacher.
I could help you, yes,Victoria said, and Liam’s elation spiked yet again.How new to the game are you?
I know the pieces and how they move, and that’s about it. I’m no expert. Probably far from being considered competent.
Alright. Tess is very good, so don’t expect a rapid turnaround. You’d need to be very serious about improving to have a chance of beating her.
I’ll study under you diligently, Professor,Liam texted, having already decided that March, even if it wasn’t even here yet, was off to a spectacular start.Can I come over this weekend, for my first session?
He needed to wait a little longer before Victoria’s next reply. Finally remembering his half-eaten sub, he scooped it up and ravenously finished it. After balling up the wrapper and disposing of it, he received his much-anticipated response.
Sure, this Saturday works for me. You should also download the official chess app too. We can practice through that as well. Learn your openings. For white, consider the London System. When playing black, watch a few videos on either the Caro-Kann or the King’s Indian Defense. They’re all beginner-friendly openings.
I’ll start downloading it right now,he responded.