Finally, even though the previous sequence of events had practically bludgeoned him over the head with it, Liam realized that heshouldbe voicing his thoughts, sharing his experience, not lying here like a corpse on the morgue’s slab.
In this scenario, he wasn’t him. He was Avril. And Anna was him, as he’d been on this same couch on the day he’d met the vivacious redhead. The responsibility of ensuring that they both had a good time fell on his shoulders. Finally understanding, Liam shouldered the weight.
“Generally, the rule of thumb is ‘wetter is better.’ Lubricant goes a long way. Think back to what I was doing in my dorm to your nipples.”
Anna blushed but didn’t blanch. Nodding, she nevertheless frowned. “I… don’t have any lubricant on me.” Her gaze directed itself toward the hallway. “Maybe…”
Even though she trailed off, Liam knew what she was thinking.“Maybe Avril has some in her room.”
“You don’t actually need that kind of lubricant,” Liam said. “Salvia can, um, do the job just as well.”
Wading through the part of him that felt this was all terribly awkward with some difficulty, Liam quietly shoved it down. Was this how Avril had felt about him on that first day? He didn’t let himself think about it, lestheend up as the embarrassed one in the room.
“Oh. Y-Yes, of course.”
Anna’s gaze fell onto his cock, but then she stilled. A moment later, her gaze flicked back up to him. “How… how should I apply it?”
Thank God Avril isn’t here to see this,Liam thought. A thousand years of hellish torture wouldn’t compare to the humiliation of seeing her cackle at them both for how awkward they were being. How dawdling and uncertain things were. Annahad been holding onto his cock for almost thirty seconds, so they were still in the troubleshooting phase.
“Well, I guess there are three usual ways. Spitting onto your hand, then smearing it on. Or cutting out the middleman and doing it directly onto my cock. Or…” Liam forced himself to clear his throat and continue with the third option, which was by far the most attractive of the three—but also the one he didn’t expect to happen here today. “The final way involves putting your mouth around my cock and adding on the saliva that way.”
Anna bit her lip again, mint-colored eyes shifting back to his cock. A minute, now. The warmth of his cock had spread into her soft hand, yet his balls ached for more—for actual pleasure, not just the dream of it.
We’re getting there,he growled inwardly.
“Now that you’ve explained it, it seems obvious,” Anna said.
“Well, I’ve found that logic isn’t allowed too much time to breathe in situations like these. Something else usually takes over, and it doesn’t like to share.”
Anna nodded as if his advice was sagely, then licked her lips. Taking a deep breath, she widenedhiseyes when she began lowering her luscious mouth toward the tip of his cock.
No way,he thought.
He thought correctly. On this day, Annabelle Royce didn’t take his cock between those gorgeous lips of hers. That event was still a bit out, parked behind numerous other building blocks necessary for their relationship to progress to that salacious point.
But she did bring them close. Within five or six inches, in fact. Brushing back her delicate, fine black hair with her available hand, her eyes glimmered with curiosity and hopefulness as she set her mouth in place. Her lips gathered, and then, just a moment later, a long line of saliva bridged the gap between his cock and her lips. It would have to do. At the veryleast, Anna’s aim was true, so her saliva went precisely where it needed to go.
Liam breathed in as Anna’s saliva cooled the tip of his cock. Once it had all gathered there, spreading out and beginning a slow descent down his glans, Anna’s hand finally displaced itself from the root of his cock. Climbing up his sensitive yet unmoistened skin, she began to resolve the latter.
Drawing in an excited breath, he watched Anna gather her fingers around her saliva, then begin drawing it down his shaft, spreading it as best she could. Yet, she frowned a moment later.
“That’s not enough, is it?” she asked.
“The more the merrier, honestly,” he replied. “Even if it makes things a little messier.”
Nodding, Anna returned her lips to the same point. This time, Liam felt the heat of her nostrils’ exhalations against his cock, and it twitched. Rapidly, the awkwardness in the room had been supplanted by lecherous anticipation.
There was something incontrovertibly arousing about watching Annabelle Royce slather his cock in her saliva. She took his advice seriously. Mouth hovering over his cock, she delivered batch after batch to his cock, then spread it around.Now,the pleasure started up, spreading through his cock like wildfire.
The squelching sounds started, too. With Anna taking his words very seriously, she worked to drench his cock long before she started actively focusing on jerking him off. Nevertheless, with how much lubricant covered it, it was impossible for the lewd noise not to fill the living room.
Anna blushed, but she didn’t stop. The loud sounds seemed more galvanizing to her efforts than anything. He hoped she was finding them erotic and pleasant.
“I think that’s enough,” he whispered, cock twitching for more effort to be given toward its ultimate release. It was soaked, as was Anna’s hand. No half-measures here.
“Okay,” Anna whispered, still blushing furiously.
A novel idea. One he hoped would keep things from returning to awkwardness sprouted within Liam’s mind. One he quite liked the more he examined it.