Page 18 of Holiday Home 4

“Yes,” he grunted.

“Good. Then it should be easy for us to keep track of everything whileotherthings go on.”

Tess’s emphasis caused his ears to perk up, and he tapped his fingers on his thighs. “Other things?”

“You don’t really think we’djustplay a board game, do you? How boring do you think I am?”

“I think you’re the exact opposite of boring,” he hastily said.

Tess smiled. “Right answer.” Kissing him again, Tess pushed into him. This one lasted long enough for Liam to guide one of his hands up to Tess’s left breast. Massaging it through the shirt, he confirmed that no bra was beneath. It was more fuel for a bonfire already set to burn for the entire day.

“So, what other things will we do while playing?” Liam asked, realizing he needed to grab a glass of water before they started. Already, his throat felt parched.

“Feed each other chocolate, for one,” Tess said. “Whenever a pawn is taken off the board, the person who lost it has to feed the other player a piece of chocolate.”

“What about when the other pieces are taken off the board?”

“Whenbothbishops are taken off the board, that player takes off everything above their waist,” Tess said, eyes glinting lustfully—or maybe that was just the reflection ofhiseyes that he was seeing. “When both knights are removed, everything below comes off. For the rooks, queen, and king, some different activities will occur. So, this game doesn’t end when a king is checkmated. Keep that in mind. We’re going until one side is completely wiped out, barring a few pawns, perhaps.”

Liam’s tongue pressed into the gap between his cheek and his bottom left row of teeth as he examined the chessboard. He’dplayed, though he’d never been all that into the game. Cards were his area of expertise, as Tess had noted. Here, even without him being certain about how good she was, he felt like he might be in a bit of trouble.

Of course, if that trouble offered him a chance to rip Tess’s shirt off—much less the activities she kept purposefully secretive— it was worth the risk. Hell, was itreallya risk in the first place? If he did end up with all his clothes off, he doubted Tess would be able to tease him for too long. After all, he knew her secret. She wasn’t truly an angel. She simply couldn’t be. She loved the feeling of his cock as it pumped deep inside of her far too much for that to be the case.

Having forgotten his need for refreshments, Liam cracked his knuckles. “Let’s play.”

Barely a minute later, Tess tore open her box of chocolates. It came with eighteen truffles, nine white and nine brown, so two more than could feasibly be consumed in a single round of chess. He wasn’t a massive fan of white chocolate, so he was glad that, as the white player, Tess hadn’t placed any color-coordinated rules on their unique game.

After dispensing the wrapping, she passed the box over to him. Wearing a smile, Tess watched as he removed the lid, then selected the first chocolate of the afternoon that he would feed her. It wouldn’t be the last, as Tess had struck hard and fast, with barely any hesitation behind her moves. That was probably a bad sign for his chances.

Lifting a milk chocolate truffle from the golden foil under it, he held it between his thumb and forefinger. Tess leaned toward him, smiling victoriously before opening her mouth.

Finding it difficult to grumble about this turn of events, Liam fed one of the most beautiful women alive a piece of chocolate. Gently inserting it into her mouth, he laid it on hertongue. As soon as that occurred, Tess’s sensuous lips gathered together—with his fingers still in her mouth.

Liam’s arm shook as she began to suck on chocolate and fingers alike. She allowed him a moment of bliss, but only a moment. Withdrawing her mouth after that moment ended, his damp fingers, pads slightly marked with chocolate, escaped the warm confines of her mouth. A third mental reset followed, during which Tess overtly suckled on the chocolate sphere rolling around on her tongue.

The focus on their game—it was his turn—vanished. Liam swallowed the lump in his throat, staring as he was stared at. His and Tess’s eyes connected for some twenty seconds, with neither willing nor able to break it. Only once her throat quivered, once the chocolate that had melted within the warmth of her mouth flowed down her throat, did Tess nod at the board.

“It’s your go.”

She stopped him from moving his next piece. Her hand caught his wrist—the same hand that had a bit of chocolate smeared on the ends of his thumb and forefinger—before he could stain her chess pieces. They were wooden, not plastic, so he assumed they were expensive. That was probably another reason to be worried. He also should have known better than to reach for the pieces with his fingertips still wet and chocolatey. He’dneverhave done such a thing with a deck of cards. Pretzels, grapes, hard candy—those were the only snacks he’d consider when playing cards.

Yet, before he could apologize for his near faux pas, Tess stole his ability to speak. Instead of letting go of his wrist, she tugged it over.Backto her lips, but without any chocolate to deliver. Not much, at least.

Liam’s cock throbbed as Tess sucked on his fingers. Her eyes reclaimed his full focus, unblinking and charged with carnal electricity. Trembling as she slathered warmth and wetnessacross his fingers, Liam swallowed audibly. Smiling at him with her eyes, the gorgeous woman he loved didn’t stop suckling on his fingers until he nearly came undone.

With that, he finally knew with total certainty that Tess couldn’t be an angel. Still, he’d probably keep calling her one. It seemed to turn her on.

Chapter Seven

Her Expertise

Liam lost two more pawns—and experienced two more deliberately unraveling experiences between Tess’s succulent lips—before he finally moved one of his knights into a space patrolled by a black pawn. Each time, Tess sucked on his fingers as much as the chocolate they delivered, though, for the sake of her chess pieces, she had gone and grabbed some wipes from her kitchen, which were used afterward. When Liam finally took one of her pieces off the board, he almost felt eager to lose his knights and bishops. The heat spilling through him felt sweltering.

“Any preference?” Tess asked, sounding appropriately amused by how the game was so far progressing.

She was definitely taking advantage of how much of a novice he was. While he might not be too knowledgeable of the game, he could tell she was intentionally avoiding taking his more valuable pieces; he’d even caught a blunder where she could have already grabbed one of his knights but obviously avoided doing so.

“Milk chocolate, please.”