“Safe?” Trixie echoed.

“Safe for the cleansing chamber and also for your body, both of which remain clean. You must be naked from waist to knees, of course.”

“Okay…” More and more questions were forming in her head.

“Whether you choose to stand or sit, it does not matter: the toilet follows your movements.” Vrixiel pressed a panel on the wall, which opened to let a levitating seat out. He sat down, the nanoparticles staying on without a glitch. “See? As you do your business, the nanoparticles instantly degrade the excreta. Any wetness or stickiness is degraded off your skin as well. At your command, the toilet releases you.” He patted his thigh three times in quick succession, and the black pants moved backuntil they were once again sticking out of the floor, vertically cut in half.

“Holy smoke.” A toilet that you didn’t have to scrub, allowed a girl to pee upright, and left you clean without a single piece of toilet paper needed? That was a flush system to die for. And she had expected to have to pee in a tube, like the one on the ship that had brought her here.Phew. “I’m in love with our toilet as well.”

Vrixiel’s grin grew. “I am happy you like it. The nanoparticles can be lowered all the way to the floor, if you prefer. That way you will not have to lift your long dresses to use the toilet. You only have to step close enough for the particles to touch your ankles. Then they will extend upward to encase your lower body underneath your dress.”

“Wow.” Gaenthians had thought of everything.

“That is not all.” Vrixiel went to the levitating seat, tapped on it and pressed it down. It lowered until he stopped pressing on it. Another tap and a push, and the seat floated back up. “You can control the height to your liking. The same goes for the wash basin.”

“Seriously? Wait, can I do that with all our furniture?”

Vrixiel nodded. “Does that please you, bean?”

She couldn’t reply. No words could convey how she felt about the news, but even if they could, Trixie would better not talk about her feelings now. Or she might start crying.

She was never again going to need steps to use her own furniture. No more unreachable shelves. No more hazardousclimbing of a ladder for something as simple as changing a light bulb. Trixie was going to be completely independent in her new home, her height no longer a daily hindrance.

No, she couldn’t help it. Her eyes turned wet.

In a flash, Vrixiel had her back in his arms. His concerned face hovered over hers. “Talk to me,niela. What upset you?”

Trixie brushed her tears away with the back of her hand. “Not sad. Happy.” She sob-laughed and patted his chest. “You made me very happy.”

He didn’t look convinced. “What can I do to bring your smile back?”

Her lips curled up. “Just be here with me. Preferably in the shower.” She should focus on fun times, otherwise there would be full-blown crying.

“Are you sure?”

Ah, this guy. The king of consent. “I want to get to know you, Vrixiel. And you, me. Let’s start with our bodies, shall we?”

A serious look of determination appeared on his face. “We shall.”

“But let’s stick to washing only,” she quickly added, wiping the last stray tear away. “Is that okay?”

“Yes.” There wasn’t a single trace of disappointment in his tone; in fact, he sounded content. “I shall wash every single inch of you, my bean.”


Bare It All

For the first time in his life, Vrixiel was grateful for a toilet. The simple nanotech had not only brought tears of happiness to hisnielabut had also given him time to rein in his desire. Before, he’d nearly broken the door down in his haste to get naked with Trixie. Now, he was satisfied with simply tracing her beauty with his hands as the dome cleansed them both. This was a time to relish every moment, not rush the most special night cycle in his existence.

Hisniela’s reaction to the toilet had also served as a reminder that anything Vrixiel considered normal could be strange-looking to her. That applied to him as well. What if his appearance, once he was free of all clothes, proved too differentfrom what she was used to? If she gave his dick that wide-eyed look from earlier coupled with,What is that?!,he would lose his feathers from embarrassment. Vrixiel had to take things slowly for both their sakes.

Not that they were making progress at any speed; he had yet to solve the mystery of the tiny zipper at the back of her one-piece clothing. Trixie had given him the honor to undress her, but on his knees behind her, he had no idea how to do that. He tapped the purple zipper head several times, but it wouldn’t start lowering.

Her chortle echoed in the cleansing chamber. “You have to pull the zipper down with your fingers. Slowly and gently, please. It took forever to make this jumpsuit.”

“Ah.” How was he going to achieve that? Not only were his fingers huge compared to the primitive zipper, but his hands were somewhat shaky as well.

“Do you want me to do it? The zipper is quite small.”