She nods and takes my hand when I hold it out. I lead her out the door and take her toa coffee shop that’s only a few doors down. I come here a lot so the girl behind the counter smiles at me when she sees me but it seems like the smile dims a bit when she sees Ruby. I’ve never gone out with her so I’m not sure why she’s so aggravated. I can see it in her eyes though. She’s pissed.
I groan to myself. Women. I’ve never led her on, but I have a feeling she’s gonna make things uncomfortable.
We move to the counter and the girl asks abruptly what we want. Ruby looks up at me quizzically. I know she can hear the bite in the girl’s words.
“We’d like two hot cocoas with whipped cream and sprinkles please.” I know it’s not good to order for a lady but this just feels like one of those times when you should keep it simple and get the hell out of there.
We wait against a far counter with her leaning into me and my heart thrills at that small sign of trust. Whatever’s going on it has nothing to do with her growing feelings for me.
We get our drinks and slip over to a table in the corner with no one near it for some privacy. “Now, tell me what’s going on, Ruby. I think we’re starting to get closer but it feels like today when I gave you those clothes, we moved a bunch of steps back. I think you know how I feel about you and that I’m willing to wait however long it takes. I just feel like you’re upset about something I did and I’d like to know what that is.”
She sighs and stares down at the table, shoulders hunched. “I think you have a feeling about some of it but the truth is, I was attacked when I was a freshman in college. It was bad.”
I know there’s more to it than that. “How bad was it, darlin’?” I ask her softly. I reach a hand out and lay it over her hand. She settles and her head comes up like I give her strength. She’s plenty strong but I hope I do make her feel like the warrior she is.
Her emerald eyes look up into mine but I don’t think she’s really seeing me. I think she’s seeing whatever happened and I clench the fist that’s not holding her hand.
“I was walking home from the library one night. I got caught up in a crowd moving towards a frat house where there was a party. This gorgeous boy came up to me and asked me if I wanted to come in. I was so flattered that he was interested in me that I walked in that door. About an hour later I had a drink and felt like the room was spinning. He laughed and said he’d walk me home.” She gulps and I know the next part is the part that’s going to make me want to kill somebody. I know ways to kill somebody to make sure nobody finds them. I might need to look this guy up and practice. The gorgeous boy. Just the thought makes my teeth clench until I hear a crack.
She shudders and her eyes close. “ He got me in his car and drove me to some spot in the woods. He raped me and then he tried to kill me. With a knife.”
The stark words fall out of her pink pouty lips and I swear I feel the room fade out for a second. I’ve never felt anger like I feel right now. The writhing, twisted need to kill somebody in the most painful way possible. “What’s his name?” I grind out between clenched teeth.
She shrugs. “It doesn’t matter. It turns out I was one of several victims. That gorgeous boy was a serial killer. A dark monster hiding on the campus preying on naive girls like me.”
“It does matter. He should pay.”
“He did. I lived and identified him. He had killed three other girls. I was just lucky enough to survive. I just never felt lucky before I met you.”
Her gentle eyes meet mine and I can’t believe the desire flaring in them. How can she ever want another man after that? So I ask her.
“How can you ever want another man after that?”
That little mona lisa smile curves her full lips again. “I didn’t think I every really would. Then I met you. I’ve never wanted any other man but you, Jaxon. Every time I’m near you I feel out of control.”
I snort. Yeah, I know that feeling. But I still have one more question. “Why didn’t you like the outfit I picked for you?”
Her head sinks down. “I’m ashamed of how I look.”
My eyes widen and I huff out a breath. “Why the hell would you be ashamed of what you look like? You’re a stunning woman. You take my breath away every time you walk into a room. Like Joan of Arc. You’re a warrior, a survivor. That’s sexy as hell, darlin’.”
Her eyes look up into mine and the soul-deep fear in them stirs my protective instincts. “I have scars, Jaxon. A lot of them. He hurt me so much. They said it was amazing that I lived.”
I lean back in my seat again, nausea and anger roiling in me like the boiling sea during a storm. Power and fury unleashed but I have nowhere to let it go. He’s already in jail.
“He’s not getting out is he?” I almost hope she says yes so I can find him. I feel like she knows what I’m thinking. She shakes her head.
“No, Jaxon. He’s in there for over a hundred years. No parole. Three counts of murder and an attempted murder will do that for you.”
I touch her hand. “Ruby, I don’t care what you look like. I love you. I love that wildwarrior heart of yours and the gentle soul that you still have even though you’ve gone through something that could drive a weaker person to hide forever.”
She grimaces. “I did do that for a long time.”
“But you found your way out of that place.”
“For you. Because of you.” When she says that, my heart soars into my throat. The thought that this beautiful creature thinks I saved her…well, I feel ten feet tall. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are sparkling like the finest gemstones.
I shake my head though. “You would have pulled yourself out eventually.”