Page 24 of Chev's Mate

My hips twitch and roll to meet each of my strokes, and I hate myself for the way I imagine it’s Vanessa wrapped around me. I imagine touching her, tasting her, fucking her.

I cum within seconds, and I’m disgusted with myself for being so weak. I pull the pillow off my face with a low sigh. I’ll be better next time.

Chapter Ten


THE GUARDS OUTSIDE Charlotte’s office are new, and they both stand stiffly in the hallway outside her door. It’s no secret her mates are anxious about her returning to work, and they assigned special guards to watch over her. These men are large, and they don’t joke around as the other guards often do.

I try not to look too nervous as I approach them, and I force myself to smile as they turn in my direction. The facility has been buzzing with news of Charlotte’s return, which should have been this morning.

“Morning,” I say to the guards. “Is she in?”

I didn’t want to bombard Charlotte the second she walked through the facility doors, especially since I’m sure there are several people eager to greet her. Everyone who works and lives here has nothing but good things to say about her, which is comforting.

The guard closest to me nods. I wait for him to say more, but he doesn’t. Wonderful.

I smooth down the front of my dress and push my shoulders back before knocking on the door. I’m beyond excited to meet Charlotte, maybe even more so than I was to meet Echo, and my heart is pounding with nerves.

What if she doesn’t like me? I know she’s close with Chev, and what if she judges me for turning him away? I can only imagine the things she’s heard about me.

“Come in!”

Charlotte’s voice is muffled as it travels through the door, and I debate pretending I didn’t hear it and running away. I can come back later, preferably when I’ve had more time to prepare. I’d probably do it if it weren’t for the guards standing on either side of me. They wouldn’t hesitate to tell Charlotte I was here, and then she’d think I’m odd.

The wooden door is heavy, and I blow out a tuft of air as I push it open.

I’ve never been inside Charlotte’s office, and I take a moment to look around the basic furniture and décor before locking eyes with the woman behind the desk. Charlotte stands as I enter, a broad smile spreading across her lips. She’s wearing a long, black dress, the fabric just tight enough to show her small baby bump.

She’s shorter than I anticipated, and she tucks her brown hair out of her face as she welcomes me inside.

She greets me. “Vanessa. I was just about to come see you.”

I smile, hoping my voice doesn’t crack. “Good timing, then. I’m sure you’re busy, but I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I’m excited you’re here, and I’m sure Aziel’s told you about my badgering.”

Charlotte bursts out in laughter, but she just as quickly clamps a hand over her mouth.

“What he callsbadgering,” she teases, “I calldetermination. My mates are old as dirt and stuck in their ways, so don’t let them get you down. I’ve heard a lot of great things about all the work you’ve gotten done these past few weeks, and I’m happy to meet you.”

I’m sure my cheeks are beet red, and I hope it isn’t too apparent as I bite back a smile. Aziel is impossible to read, and I’m pleased he told Charlotte he thinks I’m doing a good job. Echo tells me my work is impressive, but I think she’d compliment me even if it weren’t.

“Thank you,” I say. “It’s truly an honor to meet and work with you, Queen Charlotte.”

It is, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. The work she’s done for women is beyond impressive. She fought even when it put her in danger and meant betraying the ones she loved most, which not many people have the strength to do. Without her, I’d still be stuck in the ogre realm.

Charlotte smiles. “You can call me Charlie—everybody does.”

“Charlie,” I correct myself. My cheeks grow warm, and I shift my weight from foot to foot. That’s so informal.

Charlie’s smile grows. “How are you liking it here? Are you adjusting well?”

Does she know about Chev? I assume she does. I’d be shocked if she didn’t. It’s all over the news, and Aziel probably told her the first night I arrived.

“I love it here,” I say. “It’s been a big change, but I’d say I’m adjusting pretty well. I’m working on booking some new daily activities for the women, so that’s been keeping me busy.”

It’s a project I’ve been working on since my second day here, but it took forever to get Aziel’s approval on the budget changes. He seemed to think our daily schedule is fine as is, but that’s not what the women here are saying. They’re bored, and they’re incredibly vocal about it.

I’m booking a few rotating instructors for fitness classes, which I think the women will enjoy. The facility I was originally put in had a weekly self-defense class I loved, and I’m eager to bring it here. Most of the women seem interested, too.