Page 15 of Chev's Mate

It makes me feel bad for Charlotte, but that’s not my relationship to dissect.

I finish my food with only a few minutes to kill, and I curse myself when I can no longer resist the urge to look up Chev. It feels like there’s a new article written about him every hour, and I torture myself by reading every single one.

The story hasn’t changed, and I find myself uncontrollably angry as I read the cruel words. They label him a fraud and say he’s undeserving of his position, all of which I disagree with. A few articles even call for him to step down and let either Mammon or Echo take over his position, and when I come across those, I have to set my phone on my desk and take a few deep breaths.

I know it’s the mate bond making me feel this way, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting to argue every little thing these reporters incorrectly say about Chev. Not caring about my trauma or fear, it urges me to seek him out.

The mate bond is fully convinced he’s the one person who will fix everything for me. I wish that were true.

As much as I love the idea of finding love, I’ve long since accepted that it’s not in the cards for me. I’m too broken for those emotions, and the best thing I can do for myself and the world around me is to focus my efforts on helping other women.

It gives me purpose and keeps my mind busy, which helps to quiet the raging anxiety constantly threatening to consume me.

I glance at the clock. I needed to leave two minutes ago, but I click on another article instead. This one’s got a video attached to it, which I can’t possibly ignore.

One more, then I’ll go. Just one more.

Chapter Six



I shove at the hand on my chest, angry my guards are again rejecting my attempt to see my mate. It’s been almost three weeks. Three excruciatingly long weeks since I laid eyes on Vanessa, and it’s eating me up inside.

The guards act as if I’m some horrible monster for daring to ask if my ban has been lifted. I do it every morning—it’s the first thing on my agenda when I arrive at work. I’d rather embarrass myself and look desperate than miss the day Vanessa decides to lift my ban.

“Not today, Chev,” Tony says.

I smack at his hand, only slightly settled when he winces and removes it from my chest. Tony’s a demon, so he doesn’t understand what having a mate bond is like. He’ll never feel the pull, so he’s in no place to judge.

Shifters used to monitor the portal near my office, but Echo had them replaced with demons. Tony’s from Wrath, and I can tell by looking at him that he’d be harder to fight than the shifters who were here before. That’s probably the point.

I stare at the portal, desperate to walk through it, before returning to my office. I’ll try again tomorrow.

It’s only a matter of time before Vanessa allows me to see her.

I fully understand how badly I messed up when we first met. I’ve heard it from my family and friends, and I’ve even received a visit from a worked-up incubus I’ve never met before. Word spreads quickly, and nobody is pleased with my actions.

I came on too strongly and ruined everything. I’ve imagined what it would be like to meet my mate hundreds, if not thousands, of times over the years, and in none of those fantasies did I imagine she’d be frightened of me.

Her rejection of the mate bond was a complete shock, and I was a fool to think showing her my mate mark would help things. I didn’t even realize I was partially erect or exposing myself, and by the time I did, it was much too late to take it back.

And, fuck, do I wish I could.

I just need the opportunity to fix things.

Vanessa’s my mate, the female who is perfect for me in every way. Once I speak with her, I’m sure she’ll understand and forgive me. I know she has severe trauma, and I have no intention of rushing her into something she’s not ready for.

I’m not a very patient man, but I will be for her. My days and nights are haunted by the sight and smell of her fear, and I’ll never be the cause of it again.

I’m no better than the men who abused her, and I didn’t even find pleasure in hunting down and executing the ogres who once owned her. Echo tried locking Vanessa’s files, denying me access to valuable information regarding my mate, but she wasn’t fast enough.

I haven’t looked through any of the notes uploaded from her therapy sessions or health assessments, but I’ve diligently read everything else. I immensely enjoy learning about her.

She’ll be pleased to learn the ogres who once harmed her are dead. It messes with the process my people have workedtirelessly to implement, but I don’t care. The bodies have already been found, and nothing came of it. A few dead ogres are nothing new, and they hardly turn any heads.

I push open my office door and sit behind my desk. Echo will undoubtedly be here soon to yell at me about something or other, and I hum quietly to myself as I turn on my computer and look up Vanessa’s name in our system.