I blink, confused, but I don’t have much time to ponder it as he pulls me into the town’s center and pushes me up against a large, wooden pole. I scramble to fight him off as he grabs my shirt and tears it off. What? I attempt to cover myself, but Owen forces my arms behind me so he can tie my wrists on the other side of the pole.
My fight is useless as he strips me of the remainder of my clothing in front of all his beasts. They stand and watch as their leader rids me of my clothing, their faces void of emotion.
Owen strikes me again with the order to silence. I groan as my head swivels and my ear smashes against the pole. Blood seeps out of it and down my neck, warm and wet.
It’s hard to make out the faces of the beasts that stand around watching, and in sheer desperation, I call for Freya. Damien didn’t tell me what happened between her and Owen, but they were on good terms the last I heard.
She may not like me, but I don’t think she’d sit back and let this happen.
Owen smiles as I cry. “She’s not here. Your mate tried to pawn that whore off on me, but I refuse to taint my pack with such filth.” His fingers tap against my throat. “After hearing you refuse his touch in your hotel room, I knew you were the perfect one for me.”
He loosens his grip as I audibly struggle to breathe, but he maintains a firm hold on my neck.
“I don’t understand,” I say, my voice shaky.
I double over as his fist makes contact with my gut. The pain is intense, and I struggle to breathe for a few moments afterward.
“I know this is a big adjustment, so I’ll be gentle as you learn the rules,” he coos. Is punching me considered gentle? “You’re to stay on this pole until your next bleed begins. I expect your complete obedience before we reach that date.”
I slump, my vision tunneling. Owen continues speaking, but I struggle to remain focused when my body’s screaming in pain.
I’m unsure what’s happening as the hands that previously struck me are moved to my hips and push me to the ground. My shoulders stretch painfully as my bare butt makes contact with the dirt, but it’s hard to worry about that as the hands move to the insides of my thighs.
None of the beasts attempt to help as their leader rips my cup out and tosses it aside. My thighs are wet and sticky as blood spills over them, and I struggle to breathe as he stands and steps away.
My mouth opens in preparation to beg, but I shut it when I take note of his sharp glare. Owen’s following words go in one ear and out the other.
“You’re going to learn quickly.” He chuckles.
He almost looks concerned as he grabs my chin and tilts my head to the side. He examines my mark with a frown before running a finger over the scar. I feel nothing but disgust as he touches it, but I stay silent.
“Did you consummate your bond?” he asks.
I try to tear myself from his grip, not wanting to answer that. Owen’s fingers tighten on my jaw until I know I’m going to have small bruises from each of his fingertips.
“I asked you a question,” he says.
I gulp before nodding. If he thinks Damien and I had sex, then maybe he’ll be too disgusted to touch me. I’m happy with my decision to lie when he rolls his eyes and steps away.
“Then we’ll need to break the bond first,” he mutters, turning away in disinterest. “Your body won’t accept my baby until it’s gone.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
I look ateverybody who’s gathered for the hunt. They seem excited as they joke about the humans they hope to find, their pride strong as they discuss how many they killed last year.
My jaw clenches as I listen to them make bets on who’ll get the most kills tonight.
I’m disgusted they all think it will be me.
This time last year, I was up and conversing with my beasts in fake excitement, but this year, I can’t even manage that. I want to call this entire thing off and return home to Aine. I should’ve made the announcement we will leave the humans and hunt only large mammals before she even asked.
A good mate would have.
I don’t know why I didn’t.
It’s been years since I restarted this tradition, but much has changed since then. I’m no longer the lanky child I was, and I know I can beat the elders who would undoubtedly challenge me for my position.