Page 77 of Aine

I can tell he feels passionate about Freya’s promiscuity, but I’m unable to hold back the laugh that erupts from me. Is he seriously upset she gave him a blowjob? If I were in his position, I would’ve brought her home with me that night.

My beast expresses his distaste at my thoughts and only settles when I assure him Aine’s the only woman whose mouth I want. I’m aware he already knows and can sense I only want my short, angry human, but he’s gotten into the habit of forcing me to actively think it.

“And you stopped her?” I tease Owen, knowing damn well he allowed Freya to please him before expressing dislike toward her actions.

Owen’s pupils dilate at my laughter, his beast emerging in response to my disrespect. I pay it no mind. He may also be an Alpha, but he’s no match against me.

We both know this, and I find satisfaction in watching his beast submit.

“You’ll take her, and you won’t complain about it,” I order.

I was hoping to keep this friendly, but I can already tell he’s not going to willingly change his mind and I promised Aine I wouldn’t be long.

I smile at the memory of her relaxing beneath me last night while I massaged her back. She fell asleep so quickly, and as I ran my hands over her warm skin I decided this situation with Freya ends here. She will not be returning to the village with us tomorrow, and that means either Owen takes her or I leave her in a ditch.

Aine’s finally starting to open up and trust me, and I’ll be damned if I let my brother’s shitty mate ruin that.

Owen stands, his chair flying behind him and clattering against the far wall. His reaction’s a bit dramatic for me, but I ignore it and turn to look at the food the humans are making.Fuck.That smells so damn good.

“You act as if you’re so strong,” he spits. “It’s ballsy, considering you have a vulnerable human as a mate.”

My hands are around his neck before the words are entirely out of his mouth. Owen laughs and tries to pull away, his motions halting as he realizes my claws are fully extended. One wrong move and his body and throat will be two separate items.

“What do you mean by that?” I ask.

I tighten my grip, only slightly satisfied as he audibly struggles to breathe. He tries to pry my hand away, but no amount of pulling is going to make me let go.

The humans scatter as they take notice of us, their fear intoxicating as it fills the small space. Even the workers run to the back to hide, their pounding heartbeats loud as they shove their bodies underneath shelves and cabinets.

“Tell me what you mean,” I say.

Owen tries to claw at my face, but I easily dodge him and use my free hand to snap his wrist. It breaks with a wet pop.

“Let me make this clear. You’re going to take Freya as your mate and bring her back to your dirty little pack to rule as female Alpha. You’ll give her babies and whatever the fuck else she wants, and you’ll do it with a smile. I don’t want her, and if she tries running back to me, I’ll snap her neck before finding you and doing the same.” I spit, tightening my grip to accentuate my point.

Owen gasps when I finally ease up.

“And if you so much asthinkabout Aine again, I’ll hunt you down and make you watch as I slaughter your entire pack. Women. Children. All of them.”

Chapter Nineteen


Time seems topass at a snail’s pace as I wait for Damien to return. When he and Owen planned this early morning meeting during dinner, I didn’t realize that meant he’d be gone before I even woke up.

My cheeks warm as I recall his sweet actions last night, and they redden even further at the faint memory of him crawling under the covers with me. I think he initially went to his own bed, but he silently moved to mine when he heard my chattering teeth.

I cup my face to physically hold back a smile as I recall how he rounded his body around mine and grunted when I shoved my ice toes against his skin. He was like a furnace, and almost immediately, I was falling back asleep cocooned in his warmth.

Groaning, I flop on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. What’s taking him so long?

The door flies open and smacks against the wall as I think that, and I turn just in time to watch Damien come strolling in with a wide grin.

“I could hear you groaning from the hallway. Come on now,” he teases, gesturing for me to get up.

I hum, trying to hide my excitement as I jump out of bed and follow him out of the room.

“What’s got you in such a good mood?” I ask, grabbing his shoulders as he wraps his arm around my waist to carry me down the stairs. “You don’t need to keep doing this.”