We run for what feels like hours, and I’m surprised by how much stamina the beast has. There’s no way I could run this distance myself, let alone with an entire person on my back. My thighs grow sore and my arms stiff, but I force myself to remain silent and endure the pain. I don’t want to be the reason we take longer than necessary to get to the human village.
I inch up further as I spot some smoke rising above the trees, my excitement spiking at the telltale sign of life. Damien continues to run toward it at his quick speed, only slowing when we’re right up on it.
He comes to a gradual stop before snorting and plopping onto his belly so I can get off. It takes me a few seconds to remember how to use my legs, and I tangle my fingers in his fur as I slide off and shake the jelly feeling out of them.
Damien remains deathly still as I use him for balance, not even moving with breath. My cheeks redden as I stumble while trying to get used to the feeling of walking, and I avoid looking in his direction so I don’t have to see his body as he shifts back.
The loud cracks and pops echo throughout the small field he’s stopped us in, and I stare in awe at the slivers of buildings through the trees. We’re so close.
Damien speaks up. “I need my bag.”
Without thinking, I spin around, coughing as I catch sight of his naked frame standing directly behind me. Despite my best attempts to avert my gaze, my eyes still catch sight of his muscular frame and impressive anatomy.
He laughs as I aggressively look in the opposite direction, the sound surprisingly quite pleasant.
“Unless you want everybody to see me naked, we’ll have to walk the rest of the way.” He grabs the bag from my outstretched hand.
I nod but don’t audibly respond as I wait for him to get dressed and lead the way. He seems to sense my excitement as he hurries to get his clothes on. Bouncing on my heels, I wait as patiently as I possibly can.
“Stop rushing me,” he huffs.
I wave a hand in his general direction, debating arguing before deciding not to. I like that he’s being quick, and I don’t want to send the impression that I’m happy with him slowing down.
Despite being on the very outskirts, I can already hear the bustling of life just beyond the trees. It reminds me of my old village, and my lip wobbles as the memories of it rush through my mind.
I haven’t been able to work up enough courage to ask what happened to it after Damien saved me in the woods and he went back to get the leader’s binder.
Damien grabs my hand as he walks past. His grip is tight, likely to prevent me from pulling away, and I hold back a snarky remark as he leads me in the direction of the smoke and buildings.
His skin is warm as his fingers entwine and wrap around mine, and I stare at them in shock. I don’t like how much I enjoy his hand within mine.
“This is a big village, and I don’t want you getting lost.” His chest expands as he takes a deep breath. “I feel I should warn you that clothing here is scarce, so try not to stare. If you see Freya, ignore her.”
I wasn’t planning on engaging in conversation with her and am admittedly glad she didn’t travel with us in the first place. Her presence makes me uncomfortable, and that’s not including the feelings of jealousy she evokes.
I nod and take a tiny step forward, hoping he’ll pick up the hint and start walking.
Damien snorts. “You’re an impatient little human.”
Nonetheless, he continues leading the way. It’s hard to see through the trees, and as we pass the last one, I’m met with the back of a large, brick building. I assume there’s a formal entrance that leads into the town but am not too surprised Damien’s taking us through the back.
It supports my theory that he’s embarrassed by me, the big, bad beast unable to come to terms with the fact he’s mated to a human. If anything, it’s I who should be embarrassed byhim.
His people have hunted and murdered mine for centuries, yet here I am shacking up with one after only a few months of knowing him.
Damien leads us around the side of the building and onto the main street, his grip on my hand tightening as humans surround us. It takes everything in me not to let my jaw drop as I look around. This place is enormous.
There are buildings as far as I can see, and hundreds of people bustle around with arms full of groceries and other random items. A number of them gawk at Damien as they pass, but none stop to say anything.
As Damien mentioned, the people wear little clothing. While nobody’s entirely naked, most men wear only thin bottoms and the women are usually in sheer dresses. I try not to stare, but it’s hard.
I turn and sneak a glance at Damien to see his reaction, but he hardly seems to notice as he looks idly at the buildings that line either side of the road we walk down. We pass dozens of large shops with open doors, and I peer in each one to see what’s inside. Most seem pretty standard: grocers, dressmakers, and small specialty shops.
My eyes widen as we walk by one with a handful of naked women inside, all of them in some sort of provocative pose. Their legs and bodies are spread in a way that leaves nothing to the imagination, and I glance between them and the people who walk past the doors with no surprise.
“What’s that?” I whisper, tugging lightly on Damien’s hand.
I don’t want anybody to overhear and think I’m rude, but my curiosity overrides my need to be liked.