“What are you doing?” I blurt out.
Damien chuckles as he unzips his pants and lets them slide down his legs. “How do you think we’re getting there, Aine? I’m going to shift and you’re going to ride on my back like I’m fucking cattle.” Despite the angry words, he laughs as he says them.
I purse my lips, not having realized that was how we were going to travel. I’ve never ridden an animal before, let alone a beast, and already know I’m going to embarrass myself. What if my thighs grow sore or I fall off?
There appears to be no riding contraption anywhere in sight, and I spin in a circle, hoping I’ve overlooked it somewhere.
Damien sighs as he drops his underwear and takes a step toward me. “Why are you frightened?” he asks, continuing to approach as if his nudity is entirely normal. “You’ve seen me naked before.” He’s referring to the time he showered me.
I shake my head and stare at the sky. If I look at him, I won’t be able to stop my eyes from wandering, so I’m going to play it safe and look up until he shifts.
“Where’s your saddle?” I ask instead.
The sounds of his footfalls halt. “What?”
I clench my jaw. “Your saddle. So I can ride you?”
A loud squeak emerges from my throat as Damien grabs my jaw and forces me to face him. His nostrils flare as he glares down at me, and I rack my brain trying to understand what I’ve done to make him so angry. Is he upset I don’t want to look at his naked body?
“It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever let you put a saddle on me.” He grumbles, his pupils expanding as his beast makes its anger known. “It’s humiliating enough having to show up with a human riding my back.”
The hand on my jaw softens as my fear hits him through the bond.
“You’ll lie on your belly and wrap your arms around my neck,” he finally explains. “I’ll do my best to remain steady as I run.”
I nod, the movement stunted by his grip on my face.
He shuts his eyes for a long moment before sucking in a deep breath.
I can feel his anxiety hitting me through the bond, the emotion muted but still there. I can’t tell what’s making him so nervous, and I wonder if it’s because I’m tagging along. He was pretty adamant about not bringing me.
It’s probably because he’s afraid I’m going to tell Alex everything, which I likely will. I tried seeking him out a few times to tell him I’m going, but he’s been keeping a low profile since the public run-in with Freya. I asked the two women who help manage the garden if they’ve seen him, but they haven’t. I even tried going to his home, but he didn’t answer.
“Just say my name if you grow tired and need to rest,” Damien says before stepping away so he can shift.
I avert my gaze as the transformation takes place, wincing every time an unpleasant pop or crack makes its way to my ears. Their shifting is gruesome and, I assume, painful. If I were a beast, I doubt I could ever bring myself to do it.
Soft fur brushes against my chest as Damien’s beast rubs against me, and I take that as a sign he’s finished. Reminding myself that it’s just Damien, I slowly reach out and touch the large animal.
I’ve only ever seen beasts from a distance and am both shocked and terrified by how large he is. Damien easily reaches my chest on all fours and would tower over me if he stood on his hindlegs.
His coat is dark and long, the fur shifting as the beast circles and sits at my feet. Assuming that’s his way of gesturing for me to get on, I unclench my hands and slide my leg over his body.
The beast steps away with a whine before I can get settled, its oversized head jerking to the left. I follow his gaze with flushed cheeks, slightly embarrassed as I spot all our bags still lying on the ground. I completely forgot about them.
I jog over and slip them both over my shoulders. Making sure they’re secure, I smile proudly to myself before turning back to the beast.
“Shit!” I curse, covering my pounding heart with my palm.
Damien stands directly behind me, having followed me to the bags without my noticing. His stealth makes me worry, but I try not to think about it as I slide my leg over his body and settle on his back.
As directed, I wrap both of my arms around his neck and clasp them together in the front.
His fur is surprisingly soft, and I bury my face in it to keep the wind away as he starts his trotting. Damien gives me time to adjust before speeding up to a slow jog and eventually breaks into a full run once I get settled. He moves faster than I could ever imagine, his paws smacking against the ground at a rate I can’t even follow with my eyes.
As promised, he keeps his movements steady, running in a mostly straight line and taking wide turns so I don’t fly off the sides. My thighs squeeze his waist for dear life, and after a moment’s hesitation, I lift my head so I can see the trees flying by.
“This is so cool,” I whisper, my eyes widening as Damien rumbles and picks up the pace.