If he is genuine about wanting to make a real effort between us, then he’ll agree to take me with him.
At least that’s what I chant to myself as I push open the doors and sneak inside.
I instinctively glance toward Olivia’s small desk as I enter, my heartbeat increasing as I take in its empty state. Damien’s office doors are closed, and I clench my fists as I stare at them.
The side of me that fears him hopes he’s out and I can put off this conversation, but I know if he isn’t here, I’ll likely never work up the nerve to approach him again. Ignoring the slight tremor of my hands, I knock on the heavy doors. I can barely hear my knuckles tapping against the surface, but I’m sure Damien can.
He probably knew I was here before I knocked.
His voice is loud as he shouts for me to come in, the deep timbre sending shivers through my body.
I straighten my spine and square my shoulders in an attempt to appear more confident than I am, and I open the doors with a firm push. Whenever I’ve come here in the past he barely pays me any attention, but this time, he watches my every movement. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he looks concerned, but I brush that thought away.
He can probably feel my anxiety and is just curious about what’s causing it.
“Where’s Olivia?” I ask, clearing my throat when the words come out rough.
Damien shrugs, glancing at his door before returning his gaze to me. He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest, the relaxed pose making me feel small.
“I’m not sure. I told her I don’t need her coming in today,” he answers.
“Because I don’t need her today.”
I tug at the hem of my shirt as I search for the right words. I doubt coming right out and asking if he plans to fire her is the best course of action, but I’m not exactly smooth enough to get the answers I want without making my intentions known.
“Why are you here, Aine?” Damien asks, resting his elbows on his desk.
The action brings his body closer to mine.
“I don’t want you to get rid of Olivia,” I blurt out.
Damien blinks, a look of surprise spreading across his face before he forces it down. “Okay?”
His answer isn’t what I expect, and I’m opening my mouth and speaking before I can stop myself.
“I heard you were planning on going to the city so you could find a replacement, but I like her and don’t want her to die. Humans are good at a lot of things, and even if she isn’t your assistant, I think you should let her stay,” I say, rapid-fire. Damien calls my name, but I can’t seem to shut my mouth. “We’re good at gardening and cooking and organizing and—”
Damien stands in the middle of my rambling and walks around the side of his desk. The action has my heart racing and words spewing out even faster than before.
“Aine!” he shouts, the loud noise successfully shocking me enough that I snap my jaw shut. “I have no intentions of replacing Olivia.”
He looks almost stressed as he flattens his lips and runs a hand through his hair. “Freya and I are meeting with another Alpha in the city. I’m setting them up.”
I freeze as I process that information. His statement only leads to more questions, and I resist the urge to spit them all out at once.
“Why?” My eyes narrow. “Does Alex know?”
He’s annoyed Damien’s even letting her stay here, and I doubt he’d be happy to discover they’re also traveling together to the human village.
Is that why he doesn’t want to bring me? He doesn’t want me around when he’s spending time with Freya. My lips purse at the thought, and I force the irrational feelings of jealousy down so he doesn’t feel them. I don’t care what Damien does.
He cocks his head to the side as he tries to read my sudden anger, but I don’t offer any explanation.
“No, Alex doesn’t know,” Damien finally admits.” I’d appreciate it if you didn’t say anything to him, either.”
“Why are you going withher?” I continue, wincing at the high pitch of my voice.