I jerk away, trying to keep my anger at his presence concealed.
His breath hits my ear as he ducks to my level, his body pressing against my back in the process.
“I’m glad to see my little cuckold again,” he whispers before setting one of the grain bowls I was admiring on the table in front of me. “Eat up.”
I’m sure all the beasts in our proximity heard him and will undoubtedly put two and two together. I hate how he’s antagonizing me and feel flustered that he’s being so loud about the incident.
Alex visibly cringes, the corners of his lips twitching. I scowl, already regretting agreeing to come. This was a mistake, and I should’ve just stayed in bed. My bed is safe.
Alex clears his throat before muttering something about food and leaving for the kitchen. Damien’s warm body presses into my back, making him impossible to ignore. In an attempt to escape from it, I sit back down, relieved when the action separates us.
“Damien!” Jenna pipes up, smiling in his direction. “Are you sitting with us?”
I glare at her, but she doesn’t seem to notice. I’m assuming she didn’t hear what he said, but it’s still frustrating how she’s so friendly with him. I want her to hate him as much as I do.
Damien chuckles, his body shifting behind mine as he slips into the seat on my left. He reaches beneath the table and grabs my hand like he did last time. I try to pull away as his fingers wrap around mine, but he tightens his grip before I have the opportunity.
“Of course,” he teases, nudging his thigh against mine. “Would you like me to sit with you, Aine?”
I clench my jaw, trying to rein in my anger before saying or doing something I regret. Damien squeezes my hand when I don’t immediately respond, his grip crushing my knuckles. It hurts, but when I wince Damien immediately loosens up.
Still, the silent warning is heard loud and clear. Holding back my snarky thoughts, I nod.
“Yes. I’d like that.”
Damien seems to accept my answer, a cheesy, fake smile taking over his features as he turns to Jenna and starts a conversation. I ignore them both, opting instead to use my free hand to shovel down the food Damien brought over.
Every few seconds, I try to tug my hand away, but he refuses to let go and tightens his grip in retaliation. I stop when it begins to hurt and try to distract myself by observing the others in the room.
Almost everybody here is a beast, but there are a few humans lingering about. My village was secluded from all the others, and I never had the pleasure of meeting anybody outside it. Travel is dangerous, given that we need to go through the woods, so our leader only ever allowed it in dire situations. He also only gave permission to the men.
I’m startled as Alex drops his bowl on the table, the ceramic clattering. It’s unlike him, and I cock my head to the side as I notice the glare he’s shooting Damien. Damien’s hand tenses at the outward display of aggression, but he says nothing about it.
“Guess who I ran into?” Alex grunts, sweeping his arm in the direction of the kitchen.
Interested, I crane my neck to see whom he’s talking about, not surprised when I spot Damien’s girlfriend watching us. She waves in our direction and grins wildly as she locks eyes with me.
The table shakes as Damien finally releases my hand and stands, his abrupt actions drawing the room’s attention. His girlfriend winces as he stomps over, and she stumbles over her feet as he grabs her arm and begins pulling her toward the exit.
I can see her mouth moving as she speaks but can’t make out the words being shared. The entire room is silent as he drags her out of the building, and seconds later, Alex is running after them.
My palms grow clammy as I realize all the eyes in the room have turned to me. The beasts look away as I catch their eye, seemingly uncomfortable with my presence. My appetite disappears, and I tighten my grip on my fork before setting it down.
“It’s okay,” Jenna whispers, leaning in so nobody hears. “Do you want to go? I can come with you?”
I shake my head, rejecting her offer.
“I’m going to go. You can stay,” I respond after a moment’s hesitation.
She nods, and I waste no time pushing in my chair and rushing outside.
Thankfully, both Alex and Damien are long gone, and I don’t bother searching for them as I begin jogging back to my cabin. The sun began to set during our brief time inside the dining hall, and I’d like to make it back before it gets too dark and I inevitably get lost.
I struggle to navigate the woods, but as I pass the fallen tree that sits halfway between the two locations, I’m assured I’m heading in the right direction. I only make it a few more steps when I hear the snarls up ahead. My pace slows, and my heart races as I crouch and weave through the trees, fearful of what I’m going to see.
After listening to the beasts fighting all day in the field, I’m able to recognize the noises: loud growls accompanied by pounding footsteps and clashing jaws. I make myself as small as possible as I peer through the foliage.
Two giant beasts are fighting just outside Damien’s house, their bodies striking at a speed I struggle to follow. They look too similar to tell apart, both covered in black fur with white specks throughout. It’s hard to get a good look, but I assume I’m witnessing Damien and Alex fighting one another.