Page 29 of Aine

Kicking out my foot, I slide it along the soft dirt as I wait for direction on what to do next.

“So,” Alex starts, clearing his throat, “throughout the day, people will put the ripe veggies in here, and whenever it gets full it needs to go to the kitchen stockroom.” He grabs the wheelbarrow and angles it toward the woods. “There’s a small path you can follow that should lead you right there.”

I purse my lips, more than a little uncomfortable.

“Good to know.”

The walk to the kitchen is awkward. Alex voices complaints about the wheelbarrow and shares some tips as we move through the woods. I only nod in agreement, occasionally letting out a quiet hum.

Alex leads us inside the dining hall and through a small doorway along the back wall, and I’m surprised to see that it opens to a giant walk-in pantry. He stops the wheelbarrow next to the first empty shelf and begins unloading the veggies.

“Shouldn’t these be put in a fridge?” I ask, moving to help.

Alex shakes his head.

“No. Most of these will be eaten tonight and what isn’t will be canned and saved for winter. The cooks should be here any minute now to begin dinner.” He pauses his movements to turn and look at me. “You’d know that if you came and ate with us.”

I avoid eye contact and continue piling the food. It’s a conversation he’s tried to start several times now, and one I fully intend to ignore.

His hand on my wrist makes me pause. His grip is loose but is most definitely there. I eye it for a moment in confusion. Just fifteen minutes ago, he was yelling at me for gently nudging his arm.

“I thought we weren’t supposed to touch,” I snap, pulling my arm away from him.

“Not when Damien is watching,” he snaps back, tutting quietly to himself. “It’s like you’re trying to get me killed.”

My lips purse, but I don’t say anything and just get back to stocking. Alex doesn’t try to push the subject, either, letting us sit in tense silence. We make quick work of the task, and before I know it, he’s pushing the empty wheelbarrow back out of the dining hall.

“You can head home,” he says as we exit the building.

“Thanks.” I turn to walk away but am stopped once more by his hand wrapping around my wrist. Unlike last time, the action isn’t so shocking, and I sigh before turning to him. What else does he want?

“Please consider coming to dinner with us tonight. Everybody wants to meet you, and your poor mate is being hammered every night with questions about you he’s unable to answer. It’s sad to watch.”

I open my mouth to sayno, but as I take in his pleading eyes, I find myself nodding. Both he and Jenna have been nothing but nice to me since I arrived, and I can’t hide forever. Besides, I doubt Damien will try anything with so many people around.

“I’ll be there,” I promise.

Alex smiles wildly at my words, his fists raising into the air in mock triumph. I roll my eyes at the action but still find it quite endearing. He shoots me a wink before turning and leaving, a slight skip to his step.

The thought of sitting through a meal with so many strangers has me sweating, and as I walk back to my cabin, I try not to think about all the ways I’ll likely embarrass myself tonight. I’m also worried about what the beasts are asking Damien. Hopefully, nothing about my execution.

Pushing open my cabin door, I freeze as I spot Damien sitting on my bed.

He looks almost comical on the small object, his large body causing the frame to visibly dip underneath him. My muscles are tense as I close the door behind me and move to sit at the table, careful not to take my eyes off him.

“Yes?” My voice cracks.

Damien’s eyebrows raise, but he doesn’t comment on my voice cracking as he looks toward the clothing I have folded on the windowsill. He doesn’t seem pleased, but he never does, so that’s not exactly anything new.

“He gave you clothing?” he asks.

I nod, assuming he’s referring to the items Alex gave me.

“That was nice of him.”

Again, I nod.

Damien’s eyes darken, and I slyly look around for an escape. I’d have to run past the bed he sits on to reach the door, and even if I were to somehow get past him, I doubt I’d make it far before he catches me.