Page 143 of Aine

Damien hesitates before leaving, and I make myself busy with last-minute touches.

Olivia looks a bit pale when they finally return, a dead bunny clutched tightly in her arms. Alex is nowhere to be seen, but everybody thinks it’s because he’s hunting a big kill. Damien offered to get something large for Olivia, but she wanted to help, which limited what they could realistically catch.

“Alex is going to love it,” Avia says, laughing as Olivia gags and hands the bunny over.

She leaves to go get ready while Damien trots toward me, his fur covered in blood. I jump away with a screech when he tries to rub himself on my arm.

“Go shower,” I grunt, shoving at his snout.

Damien whines, trying to press his body against my legs, before tucking his tail and leaving. I watch him walk away with a smile and shake my head before returning to Jenna.

Insecurity makes itself known when people begin to arrive, but I ignore it and plaster a smile on my face as I welcome them. Most everybody’s so distracted with the excitement of the ceremony, they don’t pay me any attention, but I do catch the occasional glance in my direction.

It’s hard to focus on them, though, when Damien arrives and takes a spot in the front row. I catch him shooing away people who try to sit next to him, the man shameless in his desire to save me a seat. I appreciate it, grateful I won’t be stuck picking a spot in the back after welcoming everybody.

Alex and Olivia are the last to arrive, and I sit as they make their way to the altar. Damien holds me against him, his body warming my own as Alex gestures for Avia to bring out his catch. My eyes widen at the sheer size of the mountain lion she drags over.Holy shit.

I place my hand on Damien’s knee, not wanting to miss a second of this.

Alex bends and cuts a small piece of meat from the lion. Olivia practically bounces as she leans forward and takes the bite Alex offers her, her mouth closing around his fingers in the process. He gave her a tiny piece, but I still hold back a wince as she chews. I don’t even want to imagine how gross it must taste.

After a few seconds, she turns and politely spits into a napkin. The raw meat will make her sick if she swallows it. Jenna sneaks up from behind and takes it from her, the action more discreet than their practice run earlier.

I’m surprised Olivia chose to participate in this particular tradition, but I figure it’s to impress the other beasts. She’s hoping to win their approval with this.

Olivia takes a moment to collect herself before pulling her bunny out of the ice chest at her feet. Alex grins like an excited child as she sets her offering on the small podium that sits between them. Her jaw clenches as she grabs a knife, her hand visibly shaking as she pushes it into the animal’s belly.

Avia did most of the work, but Olivia still has to physically cut a chunk of meat out of the animal. She shared earlier how much she feared this part of the ceremony, and I don’t blame her. Even dead, I doubt it’s easy having to cut open some poor animal.

Alex’s smile wavers as tears seep from her eyes, his hands moving to cover and stop hers. He takes over and cuts a chunk of meat for himself.

“Do you want to feed me?” he whispers.

Olivia nods, sniffling quietly before taking the meat from his hands. She takes a second to breathe, straightening her back and forcing a smile on her face before holding it out for him. He bends and takes the meat into his mouth. Olivia watches with wide eyes, her watery smile turning genuine as he grins and helps himself to another piece.

“It tastes good,” he explains, popping it his mouth.

Olivia rolls her eyes, a softness I rarely see taking over her features as he chews on her gift.

Alex moves the podium to the side after eating pretty much the entire animal, his excitement to munch on her offering probably symbolic to the beasts. My grip tightens around Damien’s hand as Alex cups Olivia’s chin. The blood from his fingers smears over her cheek and jawline, but she ignores it and happily tilts her head to the side for him.

I gulp, glancing in Damien’s direction as Alex brings his mouth to Olivia’s neck. He’s already watching me, and even if it weren’t for the desire I feel coursing through the bond, I’d be able to see it in his eyes.

The fact that he still hasn’t marked me weighs heavy on my mind, and it’s all I can think about as I watch Alex sink his teeth into Olivia’s neck. Her face is turned away from us all, hiding her reaction, but her buckling knees show how intense it is. It was painful and overwhelming when Damien did it to me the first time, and I imagine she’s feeling something similar.

The second they pull away, I start to clap. There’s silence before it picks up, the older, more traditional beasts who previously disapproved of their relationship congratulating them. I’m sure it will take some time for Olivia to be given their full respect, but this is a big step forward.

Alex and Olivia grin and share a few words of promise before turning to us. Damien’s pride is overwhelming as it seeps into me, but I mirror it as the pair connect hands and leave.

A few go as far as to kneel in respect as they pass, and I watch with a watery smile as the couple disappears into the forest. They’ll be gone for a few days to celebrate.

I turn to Damien. “That was amazing.”

He nods, agreeing, before grabbing my biceps and pulling me into his chest. I snort at his clingy actions before happily sinking into him. There’s a large feast prepared in the dining hall, but Damien and I have already decided we’re not going to go.

Today was a lot, and I don’t want to push it by surrounding myself with drunk, loud beasts.

Damien hoists me onto his feet as he stands, the man in an uncharacteristically good mood as he begins walking me backward with long strides that stretch my inner thighs.