“You’re really good at this,” he says as I stop him from pruning a main vine.
My lips twitch as I release his arm. “You’re just bad.”
He scoffs at my insult before muttering something too low for my ears to pick up. I choose to ignore it and get back to work, still hesitant to tease him in front of so many eavesdropping beasts.
We left all the food we picked in the garden last time for the other workers to take because I didn’t feel ready to venture to the dining hall, but this time, I refuse to let fear win and quietly gesture to the wheelbarrow when it grows full.
“We should take this to the pantry,” I say, watching as Damien tries to hide his shock and jumps to his feet.
He approaches with a dangerous glint in his eye, his lips twitching upward before he surprises me by bending and giving me a kiss. I press my chest against his as he wraps his arms around my back, loving the quiet groan that slips from his throat as he backs me up against the wheelbarrow. His hips connect with mine, teasing, before pulling away when we hear a catcall.
The noise has me growing rigid, anxiety and fear overshadowing the enjoyment I feel from his touch. Damien continues to hold me, his lips moving to my ear as he whispers quiet assurances into it.
“You’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, Aine,” he murmurs between light kisses to my temple. “They’re only joking. Nobody’s upset we’re kissing, and if anything, they’re probably enjoying seeing me act like a lovesick pup.”
I’m self-conscious that they can probably hear him but feel reassured by the fact Damien’s willing to say these things in the first place. It speaks volumes that he’s so quick to comfort me in front of so many people.
He continues until I’ve relaxed against him, my head finally dropping onto his chest with a quietthud. I feel a lot of shame for still needing this coddling but am grateful he offers it without making me feel too needy.
When he finally pulls away and grabs the wheelbarrow handles, I’m feeling much better. Damien watches me as he pushes it down the worn path, his eyes scanning my face.
“Are you sure?” he asks when my face shows no doubt. “We can leave it here and head home. Somebody else will take it to the pantry.”
I shake my head, not wanting that. I’m not going to get any better if I don’t put myself out there. Besides, the only opinion that matters to me is Damien’s, and if he can find it within himself to love me despite my fears, the least I can do is try to get better for him.
I want to give him a normal life, and if that means getting better, then that’s what I’ll do. Especially since it doesn’t seem like he intends to leave me anytime soon.
Damien smiles and resumes pushing the wheelbarrow without another word. I follow closely behind, letting my gaze slide to his back. The muscles underneath his shirt flex with each step, the sight bringing up memories of how good his skin felt beneath my hands when we were kissing earlier today.
It’s been a couple of hours since he told me I needed to wait, and I wonder if he’ll listen to me now.
I’ll probably go crazy if he doesn’t.
I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been attracted to him since we first met, and now that he’s close enough to have, I don’t feel like I can hold back any longer. He’s within my grasp, and I want to taste him before something happens and he’s untouchable again. I may not be able to say it with words just yet, but I want to show him how much he means to me.
A low rumble emerges from his chest as I continue to stare, the sound going straight to my sex. He’s not facing me, but I’m sure he can smell my arousal. I sigh as I shift my attention to his thighs. Henry would tire so quickly whenever he’d hump me, but I’m willing to bet Damien could go for hours if he wanted to. He can probably take me in ways I can’t even imagine.
My thoughts are so consuming, I don’t even notice we’ve entered the pantry. Damien spins the moment we’re both inside the small space, his body towering over mine as he pushes me lightly against the door.
“What’re you thinking about, my little human?” he teases.
His eyes are practically black as he waits for my answer, the sight alone making my knees buckle.
“I still want you,” I admit.
He lifts me in one smooth motion, prompting my legs to wrap around his waist as he presses his front against mine. He practically purrs at my words, grinding himself against me.
“Then I’ll take you home.”
I scoff, shaking my head as I reach between our bodies and cup him over his jeans. I don’t want to wait for him to take me home. All that’ll lead to are more questions and doubt on his end, his fear of pushing me too far very sweet but unnecessary in this particular situation.
“I’m not some virginal maiden who needs you to romance me,” I respond, watching as his eyes roll back. “I want to be with younow.”
Damien’s hand lowers to cover mine, stopping me from continuing to stroke the hard length hidden underneath the fabric of his pants. “Let me take you to our bed.”
I shake my head, refusing.
By the time we get home, he’ll have thought of a thousand different reasons why I may not be ready for this or how I’ll regret our actions after the deed is done. I’m tired of letting my fear hold me back from being with him.