A smile threatens to lift the corners of my mouth as I crawl into bed and smoosh my body against his. Damien squeezes my waist and chuckles. I feel his adoration through the bond, the emotion lulling me to sleep.
I feel like I’ve just closed my eyes when the sound of the front door opening snaps me awake. Damien nestles his head in my neck before groaning and sitting up.
“It’s just Alex and Olivia,” he assures me, watching as I crawl out of bed and peek through the doorway.
The two stumble up the stairs and barrel into Olivia’s bedroom in a fit of hushed giggles. She holds his hand as she drags him around, a wide smile on her face as she pulls him from bedroom to bathroom and back once more.
He laughs and shushes her as she grabs all her belongings, his eyes darting to meet mine between the crack in the bedroom door. I hold eye contact for only a second before dropping my face to my feet.
I’m not proud to be hiding in Damien’s bedroom while Alex helps pack Olivia’s belongings, especially after all he’s done for me. Damien’s only told me bits and pieces, but apparently, Alex blames himself for my kidnapping and refused to eat or rest until I was found.
I don’t want him to think I’m ungrateful, but I can’t bring myself to leave Damien’s room.
I continue watching as Alex turns away, returning his attention to Olivia, who’s gone quiet during the exchange. She probably thinks I’m broken, as all the others do, not that I blame her.
“Being nosy?” Damien whispers, grabbing my waist as he presses his body against mine. He rests his chin on my head before pulling back and pressing a kiss to the tiny hairs on my scalp.
I nod, my eyes narrowing as I watch Olivia pull clothing out of her dresser and shove it in the small bag they brought with them.
“She’s officially moving into Alex’s house tonight.” His hands slide around my waist. “He’s very excited about it. I told him to wait until you were asleep and to be quiet, but it appears he chose not to do either of those things.”
Damien continues to hold me as I watch them, my lips curling as jealousy spreads through me. They look so happy together, grinning like lovesick puppies as they pack all her belongings. I want that.
“Do you want me to tell them to leave?” Damien offers.
I shake my head. She’s been staying at Alex’s house since I returned, and I’m sure it’s not fun not having access to any of her things.
Damien’s grip tightens as Alex approaches Olivia from behind and wraps his arms around her. I can see his mouth moving as he whispers, her head nodding slightly to confirm whatever he’s saying.
She visibly tenses as he continues, her head tilting as she looks in our direction. I can’t tell if she can see me through the darkness of Damien’s room, but I take a few steps back just in case. I don’t want her knowing I’m spying on them.
My eyes widen as she pulls herself out of Alex’s arms and walks in my direction. In a panic, I back up another couple of steps. A part of me expects Damien to tell her to go away, but he remains silent as she comes to a stop in front of the door and raises her fist to knock. She does so lightly, but the sound still feels deafening.
I don’t want to talk to her. I don’t want to face her.
Damien pulls me back, his movements slow and calming.
“It’s okay, Aine,” he whispers in my ear. “You don’t have to go out there.”
Assured by his promise, I nod and will my racing pulse to slow. I know she can likely make out our figures, but she politely keeps her gaze on the floor.
“Aine? I have something for you I’m going to leave here,” she says, setting a small package on the ground. “I had a shaved head a few years ago, and I know the breeze isn’t always pleasant on the scalp, so I made you a hat.” She clears her throat a bit before continuing. “I’m not very good at knitting and there are a few snags, but Alex said they aren’t that noticeable, so… yeah. I won’t be offended if you don’t like it.”
Her eyes dart up to meet mine before returning to her feet. She shifts, her hands clasping together in front of her stomach before she rolls back on her heels and turns to Alex.
He stands in her doorway, not bothering to pretend he can’t see me peering out. I’m sure he can make out every detail of our forms with his enhanced eyesight, from Damien’s arms around my waist to my fingers digging painfully into his wrists.
Alex’s arms spread as he welcomes Olivia against his chest, holding her in a tight hug. She squeals as her feet disconnect from the ground, her voice loud despite her obvious attempts to muffle it.
“Alex told me she made and threw away four hats before he finally convinced her that one was good enough to give you,” Damien whispers as Alex throws Olivia’s bags over his shoulder and leads her downstairs. “I’m surprised she brought up her shaved head.”
“Why?” I work up the courage to ask.
Damien hums. “Beasts don’t like having unmated humans in the pack. They’re kinder now, but they were pretty nasty the first year or two she was here. It was never anything too heinous, but a few of the older men thought it was funny to play little games with her when I wasn’t around. They made her eat off the floor and stuff like that.”
He sighs quietly, his guilt reaching me through the bond. I’m surprised by it but am relieved it’s the emotion he’s feeling. The Damien I first met would’ve laughed as he shared this information.