Page 112 of Aine

My ears perks as Aine jolts out of bed, and I force myself to remain still as she searches around trying to figure out where she is. The thundering of her heart quiets as she recognizes her bedroom, and I finally release the breath I’ve been holding as she sits up and looks for me.My room’s too dark for her human eyes, so I kick out my foot and shuffle the sheets so she knows I’m here.

I’m here, and she’s safe.

I find myself holding my breath as she quietly huffs and climbs out of bed, the fluttering of her heart quickening as she leaves her bedroom and peeks into mine.

“Come here,” I whisper, hoping it doesn’t frighten her.

The scent of her fear is strong, and I push my feelings of affection through our bond.

“Come lie with me,” I continue, struggling to keep my voice soft. “You’re safe in here.”

The promise of safety seems to be what pushes her over the edge as she scurries to my bed and crawls on top. I wish I knew what was going on in her head as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her against my chest.

She seems to have forgotten entirely about her anger regarding the hunt. My beast feels like a small child who was able to sneak his hand into the candy jar without being caught, but I feel like trash.

I want her to be angry with me. I want to plead for her forgiveness while she snubs me in disgust. A silent sigh escapes me as I reach up and push my hair out of my face. She just needs time to heal.

I’m drawn from my thoughts as Aine sniffles and begins to cry against my chest. Dropping my hand from my head, I bring it around hers and rub at the short hairs lining her scalp. They’re soft under my fingertips, the stubby pieces moving easily underneath my hand.

“It’s okay,” I assure her. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe.”

Chapter Thirty


Movement startles meawake, and I panic as my brain takes a moment to process what’s happening. Once I realize, I settle back down, my body slumping into the soft mattress.

I refrain from smelling Damien’s sheets as he rolls out of bed and throws on some clothing, his attempt not to wake me endearing but poorly executed.

I panicked and slithered onto the floor the first morning I awoke in his bed, but now I don’t feel that same fear. Not once has he gotten mad at me for sneaking into his room, even though I’ve done it every night for the past three days. Damien’s been forced to do lots of talking due to my lack of speaking—most of his words apologies—and it’s starting to lull me into a false sense of security.

It should be me thanking him.

His lips brush my forehead before he leaves, the man probably heading downstairs to make me breakfast as he has every morning. I enjoy our routine, even if I feel guilty about how he follows me around all day to provide distractions until it’s time for bed. He doesn’t even go to his office or the fighting fields, the man choosing to spend every waking moment in this house with me.

I’m sure we’ve completed every puzzle in existence at this point, and Damien’s baked enough treats to give somebody a cavity.

A small part of me worries this is some elaborate ploy to trick me, but it’s hard to imagine he’d be able to play the role of doting partner for such a long time if at least a part of it weren’t genuine.

Once I’m sure he’s out of the room, I open my eyes and sit up.

Damien’s been kind to allow me to sleep with him every night, not once complaining about my need to be in the same room as him. We were in the middle of a huge fight when I was taken, so I don’t know why I feel so compelled to be near him, but he doesn’t question it.

I sigh as I slip out of the sheets and head to my bedroom. Avia keeps saying it’s important for me to learn to be comfortable without Damien, claiming I should try moving around the house and entering rooms without him present.

I don’t like it, crippling fear pulsating through me every time Damien’s not here to look around and assure me a room is safe. He seemed to agree with her, though, and has been sneaking away whenever I’m distracted.

Praise seeps through our bond as I cross the threshold of my room, Damien’s excitement over me moving about quite evident as I go to my dresser and pick out today’s outfit. He told me last night that I should try taking a shower while he’s making food.

I don’t like it one bit but am willing to give it a try for him.

I’m sure having to sit on the toilet and wait for me every time I shower is unenjoyable for him, and the sight of my naked body is probably quite unpleasant to his eyes. I know it is to mine.

My bottom lip wobbles as I hurry into Damien’s bathroom. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can go downstairs. I feel too vulnerable in the shower, the loud water blocking my hearing and the door distorting my sight.

Somebody could break in and I’d have no idea.

I remind myself Damien’s just downstairs as I crank on the water and throw myself inside. My hands shake as I slam the shower door shut and begin washing as quickly as possible.