Owen’s body is gone in the time it takes me to open my eyes, and I tilt my head to the side and watch as he sprints across the field to the treeline. He moves so quickly. Nobody’s as fast as him.
There’s sudden frantic energy among the beasts in my immediate vicinity, the women rushing around as the men transform into their animal forms. Owen yells orders, his panic confusing.
I refuse to listen to the specific words he shouts, not wanting to get caught eavesdropping. What he does in his pack isn’t any of my business. I know that now. Even when the snarls grow in volume and beasts begin to emerge from the treeline, I keep my eyes averted. This is just another test.
The newcomers sprint in and collide with Owen’s men with loud thuds, meeting head-on. Sharp teeth are quick to tear into the throats of one another, the large animals fighting to kill. As foolish as I feel for even thinking it, I find myself looking around for Damien.
I’m filled with shame that, if these are his men, he’s going to see me in such a sad state. He’ll reject me after learning the things I’ve allowed Owen to do to me. He’s nowhere to be seen, though, and I swallow my disappointment and return my attention to the fighting.
Owen’s probably just angered another nearby pack.
The beasts are vicious with one another, and I hold back gags as I watch them rip flesh with little hesitation. The attacking beasts are the better fighters, their movements calculated and assured as they circle and strike down Owen’s men.
I scan the field for Owen. He’s still in his human form yelling orders, but it’s clear his fighters aren’t listening as they scatter around in panic. A smile threatens to spread across my face, but I manage to refrain from showing any emotion.
I hope they kill me when they’re done.
Owen continues to shout commands at his dying men before facing me. His mouth turns into a snarl as he shifts into his beast form, his clothing torn off his body in the process. It’s gruesome, but I force myself to watch every broken bone and shed piece of skin.
I barely have enough time to register what’s happening before he begins rushing toward me. My eyes squeeze shut as I wait for the final blow, for him to ensnare me between his large jaws and snap my neck. I’m excited by it, happy this torture is finally going to end.
When nothing happens I frown and sneak open a lid to check the holdup. It appears Owen’s been stopped. I wince as he tears through the beasts standing in his way, his Alpha strength proving to be too much for the others.
His attention returns to me as the last beast stiffens in his jaws, his predatory eyes raking down my body before settling on my face. A grotesque mixture of blood and drool seeps from his mouth, his beast hardly seeming to mind as the excitement of killing me takes precedence.
I sigh when his eyes dart to the right, a loud rumbling pouring from his chest. Why does he keep getting distracted?
Turning toward the intrusion, my eyes widen when I spot Damien barreling toward us. He’s in his beast form, the white specks on black fur giving him away. A matching beast runs alongside him, the two identical despite how different they look in their human forms.
Disappointment fills me as Damien follows Owen and Alex turns toward me.
I don’t deserve to be saved.
Alex shifts mid-run, his fur changing into skin as he skids to a halt at my feet. He’s frantic as he falls to his knees and begins working on the ties that hold me in place. The movement burns my shoulders, but I ignore it and watch Damien’s men circle us and fight off Owen’s.
Why’s Alex untying me? I thought he’d take one look at me and turn in the other direction. That’s what all the other beasts do when they see me. I feel nothing short of disgust when my arms are freed, the sad skin sticks falling limply by my sides. I don’t want anybody seeing me in this state. My attempts to turn and hide are rendered useless as Alex grabs me and pulls me against his chest.
My mouth opens as I attempt to apologize, but fear grips me before I can get any sounds out. I still can’t speak.
“We need to get out of here,” Alex rushes to say, his voice low. “I’m going to pick you up and carry you. It’s going to hurt, and I’m sorry for that.”
He waits a moment for my response, but I only stare blankly at him. The pain from being jostled is child’s play at this point.
My body stings as he lifts me from the ground and wraps his arms under my legs. I’ve imagined this exact scenario happening hundreds, if not thousands, of times at this point, but not once did I imagine I’d feel such grief and disappointment when it did.
I’m dirtying him. I’m dirtying them all.
Pain rips through me as Alex turns and begins to sprint in the direction of the forest. Damien and his beasts remain and fight, their movements synced and efficient. Still, few of them are brought down in the midst of the chaos.
They’re dying for me. It’s a wasted death, one I don’t deserve.
I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help but peer over Alex’s shoulder in search of Damien. I spot him almost immediately near the pole where I was tied, his body shaking as he stalks toward Owen’s retreating form.
Alex once told me a beast’s fur won’t grow around a mark, and without meaning to, I glance at Damien’s front legs. My lip quivers as I note my mark no longer sits upon his skin as it once did, signaling our bond has disappeared on his end as well.
This is probably best for him. It will make leaving me easier. I’m glad I’ll no longer serve as his baggage.
Trees obscure my line of sight as Alex rushes into the dense forest, continuing forward until the sounds of fighting are a mere memory. His arms and clothing are coated with my blood as he finally stops and sets me on the ground, and in a panic, I try to wipe it off.