The coolness of fall makes itself known today, and I whimper as Owen casts a shadow over my face. I want the sun back.
“Please,” I beg, pausing momentarily to cough. “Please just kill me.”
Owen looks so angry, his posture stiff and uncomfortable. This is the first time I’ve looked at him in days. Or at least what I assume to be days.
I’ve been trying to keep track of time by the sun’s rising, but lately, I’ve grown so confused I have trouble remembering what day I’m on. I know I was left alone for almost an entire day when it last rained, and when it cleared, Owen fed me hard bread.
It was the best thing I’ve ever eaten, and he seemed so pleased when I told him so. Even the mold around the edges didn’t bother me. I don’t know how long ago that was, but this is the first time I’ve seen him since.
Owen hums and lowers to my level.
“You don’t want me to kill you, Aine,” he says. “But I have to punish you for asking.”
My face drops. I knew he was going to respond this way to my request. I shouldn’t have ever asked it of him. My body tenses and eyes close as I await his strikes. When they don’t come, I peek open my lids, watching his back as he accepts a small object from one of his men.
I crane my neck to see what it is, but all I see is a flash of metal before Owen hides it and returns to me.
“Your body’s too weak for a true punishment, so I’ll have to be creative,” he says.
I watch through teary eyes as he sets the object the beast gave him on the ground. Scissors. Why use them when he has his claws to slice my skin with?
A quiet whine slips from my lips as he starts to bundle up my hair, understanding coming over me. He’s going to cut it off. I squeeze my eyes shut, and I keep them closed as he makes his way around my head and removes me of my hair. I don’t want to see it.
“You’re being such a good girl,” Owen whispers between snips. “Open your eyes and look at your hair.”
It physically hurts to pry them open and look at the long strands lying on the ground. The pieces are uneven and blunt, and I can’t even imagine how my head must look. He purposefully did a poor job.
I accidentally let out a cry, This was the last piece of myself I had.
Despite my tears, I feel comforted as Owen shares his approval for my new look. He places his fingers under my chin and gently tilts it up, and I offer a soft smile before realizing what I’m doing and forcing it away.
What’s wrong with me? I shake my head to rid my soft thoughts toward Owen. I’m going crazy. He’s slowly tearing away and breaking everything I am, and I’m playing directly into his plans despite my awareness of it.
“It’s okay, sweetie,” Owen whispers, pulling me into his chest. “He would never love you like this, but I don’t mind.”
My heart tugs in response to his words, and as I move to pull away, Owen tightens his arms and forces me to remain against him. I’m already aware Damien would never love me like this, and I don’t need the reminder.
“I think you look beautiful,” Owen admits.
I feel dirty as his words cause another smile to spread across my lips. Owen rubs the back of my head, his touch the only comfort I have. My shoulders burn where they pull against the pole, but I ignore it. It feels so nice to have somebody touch me. I’ll happily take the pain accompanying it.
After another minute, the pain becomes too intense and I reluctantly pull away. A slight blush spreads across my cheeks as Owen cups them in his hands. I avoid eye contact, too embarrassed by my crying to face him at the moment.
He chuckles at my timid response, his thumbs rubbing my cheeks before he leans forward and presses his lips to mine. My eyes widen as my mouth connects with his, a thousand confusing thoughts racing through my head.
His affection feels so lovely, but I don’t want him kissing me. My eyes remain open as I pull back and disconnect our lips. Damien’s going to know I kissed another man. He’s going to feel it and he’s going to hate me.
I tear up, ashamed for almost having forgotten about Damien when Owen touched his lips to mine.
I turn to the forest in the hope that Damien will be standing at the edge ready to rescue me. Objectively, I know I’m not going to see anything but trees, but I can’t help but remain hopeful.
“It’s okay to like me,” Owen says, drawing my attention.
His hands return to my cheeks, stroking them.
“I want you to kiss me back, Aine.”
My jaw clenches as he brings his face close, but I don’t try to pull away as he presses his lips to mine and kisses me with more fervor. Despite my better thinking, I find myself shutting my eyes and moving my lips against his. I pretend it’s Damien as he parts my lips and slides his tongue alongside mine.