That was a close call, and I push my hair out of my face as I venture further off the trail to avoid running into anybody else. I’ll cut back in once I reach the cabin, but I should stay out of the main walking areas.
Tears continue to pour down my cheeks, my hatred for myself only growing.
“You smell nice.”
I freeze, my body going rigid as I turn toward the voice. A man with black eyes stares at me, and I instinctively step away as I take in his unnaturally enticing features and realize he’s an incubus. He shouldn’t be here.
He cocks his head to the side as his nostrils flare, and I take another step back as his gaze slides to my thighs.
“Naughty female.” He chuckles, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.
I glance behind him, desperate for a shifter to come barreling through the woods as the man rocks back on his heels and bursts out in full-blown laughter. Despite my fear, I square my shoulders in the way Echo taught me and widen my stance.
“I came here searching for a pretty girl to feed on, but it looks like I found something much more valuable. My dad’s going to be very happy to see you,” he says, still smiling.
His dad?
His grin falls as I open my mouth and release the loudest scream I can manage. I pray it’s enough for Rock to hear as the man hurries toward me, and I slam my eyes shut as his body hits mine and the world around me crumbles as we teleport.
My fist makes contact with a hard jaw as the ground beneath me materializes, and I drop my shoulder and shove it into the man’s belly before he grunts and pushes me away. Pain radiates up my tailbone as I fall to the floor, but I ignore it and kick the incubus’s knee as hard as I can.
When it turns inward, I scramble to my feet and run away, my legs carrying me down the unfamiliar hallway. The man behind me screams, but I don’t dare look back as I brace myself and slam into the large double doors at the end of the hall.
They fly open, and I skid to a halt as I see the room I’ve just thrown myself into.
Asmod stares at me from the large seat in the center of the room, his excitement visible as I spin and try to leave. I hear his laughter as the doors shut in my face, and two incubi move in front of them.
My palms grow sweaty, and I resist the urge to clutch my necklace as I spin toward the Lust King.
Asmod’s already approaching, a sinful smile spreading over his lips as he watches me like I’m some small prey he’s about to devour.
“Charlie! What a surprise,” he says, waving to the demons blocking the double doors.
They take hold of my arms, and I grunt as I struggle to free myself. My thighs clench together when Asmod glances at them, his eyebrows raising before his nostrils flare and he releases a loud laugh.
“Gray always falls for the unfaithful ones.”
I flinch, the truth of his words cutting deep.
The doors behind me open, the wood smacking loudly against the wall as the man who brought me here storms in.
“The fucking bitch broke my kneecap,” he says, walking around me to stand next to Asmod. “I want her.”
Asmod shakes his head, denying the request, as he steps forward and runs a finger down my cheek. I yank against the hands holding my arms as I try to move away, but they force me to remain still. The other incubus looks pissed, but he doesn’t argue. He must also be one of Asmod’s sons.
How many children does this guy have? More than I’d care to meet.
I breathe through my nose as Asmod’s intoxicating scent fills my lungs, and I hate myself for how it makes my body react. Asmod seems pleased by it, and I resist the urge to knee him in the face as he ducks and licks the inside of my thigh.
His tongue smacks against the roof of his mouth as he tastes Kato, and his smile grows as he straightens back up.
“I’ve met this shifter before. He’s a strong man, but I’ll cover his scent easily,” he says, stepping away and gesturing for the guards to follow.
A scream tears from my throat as they drag me, unaffected by my fighting. I try to dig my heels into the ground to slow them, and I even reach for my necklace, but every attempt fails.
The guards tolerate me for a short while before glancing at one another and lifting until my feet dangle and I have no leverage to try to fight with. I still try, my arms practically twisting out of their sockets as I wiggle myself back and forth.
The one on my left laughs at my attempts, his enjoyment causing Asmod to look over his shoulder and see what he’s missing. He rolls his eyes as he watches my embarrassing positioning.