The table groans as Kato leans against it, his weight too much for the wooden frame to support.
“Mammon will calm down shortly. She always does,” he says.
He adjusts his leather skirt and brushes the nonexistent dust particles off it. The man’s a freaking barbarian, and I can’t help but wonder what he’s like around his loved ones.
Given his protectiveness and pride whenever he mentions his children, I can tell he’s a family man. I chuckle at the mental image of the large man playing with small children.
“You and Mammon are close?” I ask.
Kato frowns before shrugging.
“She’s my brother’s mate,” he explains, sounding displeased. “She turned him into a damned fool, then sent him away.” His voice deepens as he speaks. “Vont is a good man, and she’s treating him as nothing more than a breeder. He’s been moping around my house for six months, waiting for her to call him for another baby.”
I gape, shocked by how openly he’s airing their dirty laundry.
“Stupid woman and stupid babies. They are all ugly like her,” he continues, gesturing for the guards to come over.
“Take me home,” he orders.
I bite my lip to stop from smiling as four guards prepare to teleport him. It makes sense he’d need more than one. The man’s a bear, after all. They leave, and I turn and follow the shadow who’s been leading me around these past few days.
I need to know what’s in the note Kato slipped into my underwear. The paper digs into my hip as I walk, but I ignore the slight pain.
“Thanks!” I blurt out, rushing past the shadow when I see my door.
I hurry inside and slam the door shut. There’s no lock, so I lean against it as I lift my dress and grab the note. My hands are so shaky, it takes me a few tries to unfold it, and I can’t help but frown when I finally do.
It’s coordinates.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? I turn the note over to ensure I’m not missing anything before folding and returning it to my underwear. It’s uncomfortable, but I don’t want to risk it being found by one of Mammon’s shadows.
I’m sure they search the room whenever I leave.
With a quiet groan, I rest my head against the door and stare at the ceiling. Now what?
I should apologize to Mammon and make sure all is well between us. She’s the only thing protecting me from Aziel, and I’d like to stay on her good side.
I turn and pull open the door, pleasantly surprised to see my shadow is gone.
He probably didn’t expect me to leave my room, and I kick off my shoes so I remain quiet.
Wanting to remain inconspicuous, I stick to the wall and keep my head low as I move through the halls. The only human in the castle is probably hard not to notice, but I’m surprised to see it works as the few shadows I encounter don’t even look in my direction.
I must be smoother than I thought.
I keep my eyes peeled for Rock, still convinced it was him I saw yesterday evening.
I’m not sure where Mammon stormed off to after the meeting, but I make a guess and head toward her office.
It doesn’t take long for me to get lost.
My fingertips graze the stone wall as I continue forward, hopeful I’ll encounter a hallway or room I recognize. I’m surprised I haven’t run into any guards yet. I must not be in a high-traffic area of the castle.
“He’s not reacting how I expected him to.”
I pause as Mammon’s voice floats down the hallway, and I flatten against the nearest wall to eavesdrop. Silas is rubbing off on me.
“You’re underestimating him.”