Page 73 of Her Males

“Ready?” Mammon asks, drawing my attention.

I nod, and she pushes open the doors and steps inside. I follow closely behind.

Kato stands as we enter, his broad frame a sharp contradiction to the thin, dark-toned men sitting on either side of him. He rises to his full height while the elves only stand halfway, their conversation dwindling as they notice our arrival.

I’ve heard many rumors about the elves, and I can’t tell if I should be fearful. They’re known to be one of the more intelligent breeds, but they’re incredibly cunning and notorious for holding long grudges.

There’s a spot open next to Kato, and I rush to it while Mammon takes a seat at the head of the table. I feel comfortable around him.

“Charlotte.” He grunts, pulling out the empty chair for me.

I offer him a relieved smile as I take a seat. He grabs the bottom of my chair and pulls it toward him, careful not to touch my skin as he brings us close together.

The elves don’t outwardly look, but I know they’re paying close attention to everything happening. Mammon told me to be careful with what I say around them, instructing me to remain silent and let her do most of the talking.

That’s a request I have no issues fulfilling.

“Good afternoon, Mammon,” the elf to her left says.

His voice is soft, and he speaks in a pitch I’m unfamiliar with hearing outside of musical notes. It’s almost like he’s singing.

Mammon nods in his direction but doesn’t verbally respond as she looks around the room, inspecting each man.

I’ve seen her softer side that comes out around her children, and yesterday I witnessed the loud, brutish personality she put in front of the shifters. This one, though—this one screams power.

“This is Charlotte,” Kato says when it becomes clear Mammon’s not going to introduce me.

I jolt, shocked he’s gone out of his way to make my presence known. The elves scoff at his lack of social etiquette before looking at me. My face warms as their eyes scan my figure, and I instinctively turn toward Mammon for guidance.

She’s too focused on Kato to notice me. Her lips twitch downward as she glares at him, clearly angry with his interruption.

“We’ve heard of you,” the elf sitting across from me says.

He has dark, spiraled hair, and deep-purple markings cover the entirety of his neck.

His eyes dart along my face before shifting to Mammon. “We were told you had information for us.”

Mammon nods, and with a wave of her hand, shadows begin placing tablets in front of each elf. I’m surprised they’re not getting stacks of papers like the shifters did, but I realize why as Kato shoves the tablet away.

He looks at me, hesitating, before also pushing my tablet aside. I’m shocked but silently grateful when the shadows supply two paper versions for us.

I’m unfamiliar with technology, and it’s easier to sift through physical sheets.

I read once that humans used to make paper with trees, chopping them down to such an extent that our air quality was thinning. I think a lot of the deforestation had to do with infrastructure, but I’m not positive about that. It was so long ago.

Kato’s body provides a comfortable warmth as I watch the elves’ facial expressions shift as they flip through the pages. They do relatively good jobs at keeping emotions hidden, but I still catch sight of the occasional rage and shock.

“This information is inaccurate,” the man next to Mammon says.

Mammon clears her throat and straightens her back. “I have my researchers testing this theory now, but after a thorough read, they’ve found the science and math to be accurate. It checks out.”

Another elf shakes his head. “My mate loves me, but she has given me no females. We have several children.”

Mammon looks mildly uncomfortable.

“Love isn’t enough. Elves believe sex is only for procreation, yes?” Kato chimes in, his voice loud. The elf across from me nods, his narrowing eyes warning that Kato’s entering sensitive territory. “You do not make your females squeal, and that is what makes the girls.”

The meaning behind his words is clear, and my face turns red. The balls this man must have to tell ten elven leaders they aren’t pleasuring their females. I could never.