I wouldn’t describe myself as an expert communicator, and I know I won’t have answers to the questions she’s sure to ask. I could barely even read the report Aziel had done up, the language too complicated to follow.
My leg bounces as I turn and eye the door.
“Don’t look so frightened,” Shay says, snapping her fingers.
I jump back as a shadow appears. He hands some papers to Shay, and I recognize them as the female information Aziel shared with Levia. Did she steal this from him?
“Are you going to kill me?” I can’t help but ask.
Shay pauses, thinking over her answer. “I wish,” she admits after a moment of silence. “I don’t like you, and I’m not going to pretend I do, but I cherish my life. Your males would have my head if I ever touched a pretty little hair on yours.”
“Comforting,” I deadpan.
Shay’s lips twitch, and I take a moment to enjoy the sight of her trying to hold back a smile. I know she doesn’t like me, but I don’t think she hates me as much as she lets on.
“I need you to tell Mammon I’m telling the truth. Then I’ll take you home. She and I can handle the rest from there,” Shay explains. “Then you and your males can waste the next year making plans that’ll never see the light of day.”
I suck my cheeks into my mouth. They’re going to be so mad at me.
“How doIknow you’re telling the truth?” I ask.
Shay shrugs. “Your males had fifty years to do the right thing. They didn’t. You’re not the only person who’s been affected. Demon women have had it hard, too.”
I roll my eyes, refusing to believe it. Even if they aren’t experiencing new births, demons live forever, and the declines don’t hurt them nearly as much as most other breeds.
Shay’s back goes rigid at my response, her friendly disposition changing into the cold one I last saw at the Lust party I was taken to forever ago.
“You don’t believe me?” she hisses. “Would you like to see the video of me that was passed around after a visit with the ogres? They don’t live such long lives, and they miss the attention of females. I’m strong, but when you have twenty of those fuckers holding you down, it’s a bit hard to fight them off and teleport.”
The chair armrest cracks as her hand tightens around it. I didn’t know about this incident, and I wince as I watch the wood split.
Shay opens her mouth to continue, but she stills as the door behind me opens. My heart feels like it’s lodged in my throat as I turn and watch a woman step inside. She’s clearly a demon, with black eyes and short dark hair, and she wears a long, blue silk robe.
She barely looks in my direction, and I nervously pick at the skin of my fingers as I glance at the infant connected to her chest.
“This better be important,” the woman snaps.
She holds eye contact with Shay as she lowers herself into the seat next to mine. The sudden movement lodges her nipple out of the baby’s mouth, and I watch as she groans and realigns the infant.
“The little thing won’t latch,” she complains to nobody in particular.
I gulp as her eyes flash to me.
“Who’s this?”
“Charlotte. She’s Aziel’s female.” Shay gestures between the two of us. “Charlie, this is the Queen of Greed, Mammon.”
I’m unsure what to say or do, and I hope my shaky smile doesn’t come off as impolite.
Mammon looks tired as she tries to coax her baby to take her nipple. Watching her is an excellent form of birth control, and I hold back a wince as the baby finally latches on and starts chewing her like she’s a piece of gum.
“Please tell me they know she’s here.” Mammon sighs.
Shay cowers, her neck and head shrinking into her shoulders. Mammon shuts her eyes and sucks in a slow breath before turning to me.
“Let me put Cain down, and I’ll take you home,” she says, her soft eyes hardening as she turns to Shay. “You’ll stay here.”
Shay turns to me in a panic, and I give the same look right back.