Page 38 of Her Males

He unwraps his arms from my waist and steps back, and Silas quickly returns to the doorway. We all pause and wait until we hear Charlie’s even breathing before returning to our conversation.

“It’s the middle of the night,” I point out.

“She’s staying at her chateau in Lust,” Gray says, ignoring me.

I sigh. “I’m only doing this to shut the three of you up.”

Gray shrugs, clearly not caring, and leaves my room. He pulls Silas along with him, and I listen to their footfalls as they return to Charlie’s bedroom.

The bedsheets rustle as they climb into bed, and I listen to Charlie letting out a particularly loud grunt before she whines and the sheets rustle some more.

“Did it work?” she asks.

Did what work?

“Like a fucking charm.” Gray laughs.

I step closer to the door. Did what work?

Charlie giggles, and I frown as I listen to the three of them settle into bed. I’d kill to know what they’re doing right now, and I’d materialize in there if I thought Gray and Silas wouldn’t notice.

“I ended up agreeing to have you moan Aziel’s name the next time I get you off,” Gray admits.

Why is he telling her that? Did they set this entire thing up? I clench and unclench my hands as I imagine them getting together and concocting some plan for Gray to seduce me into doing their bidding.

Gray hisses, and I wonder if Charlie’s pinched his nipple as she so enjoys doing. I hope so.

Silas moans, and I cock my head to the side as I hear more shifting.

“I accidentally got Silas all turned on, too,” Gray admits.

There’s another low moan, followed immediately by the unmistakable sound of a cock being stroked.

“You’re so fucking needy. I want you to tell Charlie how embarrassingly desperate you’ve been tonight, rutting on and touching Aziel while I told him how I’m going to pleasure Charlie.” Gray’s voice is low, and I slide a hand down my own body as I listen.

“Silas!” Charlie scolds.

She sounds pleased, the fucking gremlin, and I force myself to teleport to Lust before I do something I regret.




I TAP AIMLESSLY at my keyboard, unable to concentrate on a damn thing.

“I’m not changing my decision,” Rock says, his voice slightly muffled as it travels through two doors and a hallway. “Just because you know a fate doesn’t mean they aren’t endangered.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Charlie huffs.

I shake my head, holding back laughter. She’s gaining more confidence with each passing day, and I enjoy listening to her near-constant arguments with Rock.

“I can assure you, I do,” Rock says.

Charlie doesn’t respond, but the sound of paper being flicked makes its way to my ears.

“Would you care to ask Silas yourself?” Rock suggests.