Charlie fed me well, but being able to take from somebody as strong as Silas has me at the next level of full. It feels good, and I’m pleasantly surprised by his openness to being intimate with me. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve snuck into his dreams, but I’ve only ever been able to feed from him once.
A fate’s mind is tricky, and it’s next to impossible to sneak into, even for an incubus.
I learned not to try early on, and there’s never been an opportunity to seduce him outside of his dreams. He’s always made it clear he’s not interested, and I feared it would ruin our friendship if I pushed too hard.
Charlie shifts in Silas’s lap, and I resist the urge to feed off the lust he emits.
It’s not enough to fill me, not even close, but it’s an excellent mid-afternoon snack.
I wonder if I can get him to feed me later. Charlie wants our intimacy to be special, but I know Silas doesn’t hold the same reservations. I’m grateful Charlie hasn’t ever asked about his past, but Silas had his fair share of women before the declines.
My sister included.
I purse my lips and cross my arms over my chest.
He was with her before we all agreed to someday bond with the same female, and he hasn’t looked in her direction since, but I’m still pissed. He was supposed to put me first.
Silas glances in my direction, his eyebrows pulled tight. I’m sure he can sense I’m upset, and I do my best to hide my physical reactions so Charlie doesn’t catch on, too. She’s already nervous about our meeting with Levia, and I don’t want to make it worse.
She’ll learn how to conceal her emotions better with time, but I assume that won’t be for a long while.
It’s good that she has thousands of years to learn.
We haven’t yet discussed it, but I fully intend to bond with her. I don’t want to rush into anything, and I’ll wait patiently until she’s ready, but I’m sure she’s who I want. Silas hasn’t mentioned it, either, but I assume it’s on his mind.
He doesn’t do anything without thoroughly thinking it through, and I can’t see him pursuing Charlie if he didn’t see it as a long-term thing. He knows she’s my female, and I know he wouldn’t do that to her or me.
I can’t wait.
It’s a shame there aren’t any other human/demon pairings I can investigate for information. I’d love to know how a demon bond affects a human. Her kind doesn’t have bonds as we do, and I’m interested in seeing how her body takes it.
There have been a few reports of bonds between breeds that have them and those that don’t, and thankfully, none have resulted in injury. I don’t know what I’d do if my bond had the potential to hurt Charlie.
I’m anxious enough about babies as it is.
Human infants are tiny compared to demon ones. Charlie’s a very average human, and I fear my children will harm her, especially if she grows pregnant with twins. We’ll have to have doctors monitoring her twenty-four-seven.
I clear my throat, drawing Charlie’s attention.
“Do you want to have children?” I ask.
I can’t believe I’ve never asked her this before.
Charlie’s cheeks grow impossibly red. “I do.”
That’s very good to hear. Silas gives her thighs a tight squeeze before he shoots me a confused look, but I ignore it and turn back to Charlie. We haven’t had penetrative sex yet, a fact that goes against every fucking incubus gene in my body, but I look forward to the day I can fill her with myself.
I want to give her my children immediately, but I know that’s not right.
When we have time alone, I’ll ask if she’d like me to put her on human birth control. I have a feeling her answer is going to be yes, and I’ll have one of our shadows ensure it gets taken properly so she doesn’t fall pregnant with a baby she’s not ready for.
I just need to figure out how to get human birth control. I know it was once popular, but it’s rarely used nowadays. Males want their females to get pregnant.
“Fucking stop, Gray,” Aziel snaps, turning to shoot me a glare.
Silas hides his laugh in Charlie’s neck, and she looks between Aziel and me with clear confusion.
“Gray is seeping lust,” he whispers.