“Go on,” he says.
Was I that obvious? “Are you sure?”
Rock nods, and I look him over to ensure he’s not upset before leaving and making my way down the hallway toward Gray’s office. His door is cracked open, and I peer in to see him in the middle of a phone call. I’m unsure what he does for work, and I linger in the doorway until he notices me. He’s speaking the demonic language, his words guttural and clipped, and he shoots me a friendly smile before turning away and continuing his conversation.
I attempt to eavesdrop before giving up and making my way to Silas’s office. He’s sitting behind his desk, and he shuts his computer and gestures to his lap as I push his door closed and approach.
“Yes?” he asks.
His hands settle on my hips as I get comfortable on his lap, and I gently push back his hair before scanning his chest for a nipple. It’s cold in here, and the moment I spot the bump in his shirt, I’m grabbing and twisting. He gasps and shoves me away, his hands flying to cover his chest in shock.
“Stop asking Rock about me,” I snap, needing to get that out before addressing the topic of the females.
Silas frowns and swats my hands away when I reach for his nipples again.
The muscle in his jaw twitches seconds before his power reaches my lungs. It’s been a long time since he’s let it out around me, and I feel its effects immediately.
It’s unsettling, and I furrow my brow as I fight against it.
The power that seeps from Gray makes me aroused, but Silas’s makes me want to curl up and hide. Silas doesn’t seem to notice he’s let it out, and a throaty chuckle bubbles up out of his throat as he grabs my wrists and pins my arms to my side.
His laugh dies out as he takes notice of my current state. I half-expect him to tuck it back in, but instead, he cups my cheeks and releases more.
“It’s okay, Charlie,” he says, smoothing his thumbs over my eyebrows to soften the muscles. “You’re doing so good.”
I manage to give a jerky nod.
It feels like trying to breathe underwater, and I shut my eyes as I try to focus on getting enough oxygen into my lungs. Silas continues to whisper assurances as I grab his forearms, and after a few minutes, I feel my racing pulse begin to settle.
“I’m going to leave it here from now on,” he says. “And we can slowly increase over time. I want you to learn to be comfortable around it. Around me.”
I lick my lips and drop my head against his chest. Silas rubs my back, patiently waiting for me to collect my thoughts. My mouth feels dry when I finally work up the courage to face him again, and my cheeks are tinted red from embarrassment.
Objectively, I know it’s not my fault I struggle around them, but the way it highlights our power imbalance is slightly humiliating. It draws attention to how weak I am.
“I talked to Rock,” I say.
Silas hums. “Did you? My detached nipple and I couldn’t tell.”
I snort and shoot him a goofy grin. It’s what he deserved. Besides, it’s not like the demons have many weak spots, and pinching their nipples is the only way I’ve found that I can hurt them.
Although I’m sure it’s more shocking than it is painful.
“You’re familiar with the shifters?” I ask.
Silas raises a brow.
I flush. Of course he knows about them. The man’s like a million years old, and I’m sure he knows everything I do and then some.
“Have you considered going to them with the findings instead of Levia?”
My fists curl into the fabric of his shirt, my excitement poorly contained. If the shifters care about females as much as they’re rumored to, I doubt they’d ask for a waiting period.
Silas’s lips twitch downward. Why doesn’t he like that idea?
“The shifters don’t like us. Levia was correct in saying that it won’t take long for people to realize we sat on this information once it gets out. Many will be pissed, the shifters especially. I doubt they’ll want to help us, and they’d probably take the information and run with it while simultaneously waging war against us.”
He makes a good point. Levia put two and two together within a matter of minutes, and I assume it won’t take long for others to come to the same conclusion. Many will be livid when they realize Aziel kept this information hidden.