He retreats as I readjust my grip and bring the blade to the animal’s throat. It looks like some giant hairless bunny, and I assume it’s an animal native to the shifter lands.
It snarls and tries to move away, but I remain firm in my hold despite how awful I feel. My hand shakes as I hesitate, and after a moment, I admit defeat and turn to Aziel.
“Will you hold my hand steady so I don’t miss? I don’t want to hurt it more than necessary,” I say, hating how my voice cracks. It was one thing to kill Asmod, a man who was actively attacking me, but this animal is innocent.
I wanted to do this by myself to show how strong I’ve become, but it isn’t worth it if I accidentally torture this poor animal. Chev couldn’t stress the importance of respecting wildlife enough, and I agree with everything he taught me.
We need to co-exist, which means merciful kills and hunting only for need.
Aziel’s lips graze my forehead as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and takes my hand. He holds it steady before guiding my knife into the animal’s neck.
I choke back a sob as it screams, and I lean against Aziel for support as it dies in my hands. He hums and hugs me from behind, bringing to attention his erection. I stiffen.
“I like seeing you kill. Ignore it,” he admits, pulling away so it’s no longer touching me.
Aziel holds me until I’ve settled, but he still seems hesitant to let go as I open the cage and pull the animal out. It’s heavy and full of good meat, and I grunt as I pick it up.
This thing’s going to be a bitch to carry back.
My cheeks warm as I glance at Aziel and see the approval in his eyes, and I clear my throat before straightening my shoulders and jerking my head to the left.
“Let’s check the others.”
Aziel throws his head back with a moan, the noise low and filthy, and I trip over my feet in my attempt to hurry away. He laughs as I stumble to catch myself and the animal, and he seems disappointed when we discover the other traps are empty.
“Let me carry it for you,” Aziel says.
He tries to take the animal from me, but I yank it away with an angry shout.
Aziel’s eyes darken, the man clearly annoyed, before the animal is ripped from my hands and I’m face-down in the dirt. I jump to my feet and bring my knee up in the way Echo taught me, and I take great pleasure in the way Aziel’s face goes red as I slam it between his legs.
I know I’ve managed to hurt him as his jaw goes slack and he sucks in a sharp breath.Good.
I take advantage of his momentary distraction and rip my animal out of his arms. I like this game we’re playing, and I let out a loud laugh before sprinting toward my cabin.
It doesn’t take long for me to hear footfalls behind me, but Aziel’s too slow as I hurry up the steps and slam the door shut in his face. I’m sure he let me win, but I still count it as a victory as I lean against the kitchen counter and catch my breath.
Aziel pushes open the door, and I pretend like nothing’s happened as I grab my knives and set them on the counter with my animal.
“It’s about time you caught up,” I tease, my voice shaky as I struggle to catch my breath. “Be a dear and ready this guy for me, will you?”
I don’t want him to know I’m asking him to do it because I don’t know how, but Aziel seems to get the hint as he walks around me and takes my hands. The guilt that courses through me is intense, and I clear my throat before working up the courage to speak.
“I feel like I’m supposed to tell you that Kato helped me skin an animal like this before,” I admit.
Aziel pauses, his grip on my hand tightening. “Thanks for telling me, but I don’t need to know everything you two did together.” He presses a soft kiss to my cheek.
I still feel guilty as he teaches me how to butcher the animal. I’m continually distracted by his low voice as he walks me through the steps, his age shown through the sheer amount of information he knows.
I guess being old as dirt has its benefits.
Aziel doesn’t give me even an inch of space as we cook and eat, and he even follows me into my bedroom when I decide it’s time to sleep.
“What’re you doing?” I ask as he crawls onto my bed.
Aziel looks confused, his lips pursed as he glances between me and the mattress.