Page 110 of Her Males



He steps into the bedroom and leans against the doorframe, his attention sliding to the bed I’m lying on. He doesn’t want me in here, but I don’t care.

There’s no reason for me not to be.

This wing was renovated for all of us to share, but I don’t see the point in waiting. If I can’t have Charlie, I’ve got no interest in finding another female, and this bed’s too comfortable to pass up.

Besides, it’s not like I’ve got anywhere else to go. Gray’s bed is dirty, and the last place I want to be is in Charlie’s. I suppose I could go to my room, but that wouldn’t be nearly as spiteful.

I want to ruin everything I held special for Charlie, and this bedroom built for all of us to share was the most meaningful one.

“We shouldn’t be in here,” Gray says as I pull back the covers and slip underneath.

I shrug. “Why not?”

Gray’s eyes narrow, but I don’t care. I want to sleep in this bed, and there’s not one good reason why I shouldn’t.

“We should give her the opportunity to explain,” Gray repeats for the tenth time tonight.

How he’s not absolutely enraged right now is beyond me. He’s holding out hope for Charlie, and I know he’s desperate to find an explanation.

There isn’t one. She cheated on us with that shifter, and I have no interest in learning any additional information. It’s all I need to know. I doubt hearing in detail what she allowed that male to do to her will make me feel better.

Unless he forced her, which I doubt, she cheated.

I don’t care if she did it once or a thousand times, or if it was with him or the entire fucking shifter pack.

Cheating is cheating, and I have no interest in it.

Gray looks around the room, his attention lingering on the dresser before he approaches and pulls open the drawers we filled with clothing for Charlie. I’ve already removed everything and filled it with my things.

A few drawers remain empty, but I’ll have Aziel fill them in when he returns. He’s got more clothing than Gray and me combined, so I’m sure he needs the additional room.

“What’re you doing?” Gray sighs, pushing the drawer shut and turning to me.

I roll onto my back and prop myself up on my elbows. Acting like a spoiled child is what I’m doing, but I refuse to admit that.

“Going to sleep.” I say, dropping back down.

Gray frowns, and I can tell he’s debating whether or not he wants to continue arguing. He’s unhappy with this entire situation, and I’m sure he feels terrible about leaving Aziel, but I won’t let myself feel guilty for that right now.

I was dumb to sit here believing Charlie’s silence and insistence on running away was only temporary.

I thought she was discovering herself with the shifters, finding passions and making friends. A small part of me, despite how worried, was happy for her. She was living, and she was doing it all on her own.

It never crossed my mind that she’d be fucking them.

My lips purse as I grab one of the decorative throw pillows we bought. Gray and I picked out green ones, Charlie’s favorite color, and I pause to glare at the design before throwing it off the bed. They’re fucking hideous, but Gray said it’s what humans like, so it’s what we bought.

“Humiliation” is a light word to describe how I’m feeling.

Charlie didn’t even have enough respect to say anything to us. She let us sit here waiting, rocking on our heels in anticipation of her return, while she ran around with that man. I know Rock told her we were eager to have her home, so it’s not like she didn’t know.

She just didn’t care.

I’m stupid for having fallen for her. I knew she was young and didn’t know what she wanted, and I shouldn’t have let her convince me otherwise.