My head throbs, and with a huff, I grab the meat off the table and carry it to the couch. I ignore the eye peeking through the gap in the door as I throw myself onto the soft cushion.
I need a minute to think. Also cry, but mostly think.
I ROLL TO the side and look at Silas. He stands at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed over his chest, clearly pissed.
“Get up, Gray,” Aziel snaps.
Silas is a fucking snitch. I glare at him, annoyed he ran to Aziel.
“We’re meeting with Mammon in less than an hour, and you need to feed,” Aziel continues, yanking the covers off my body. “We can’t have you going hungry. It’ll look bad.”
I shrug. What’s the point?
Rock teleported here last night to tell us that he and Charlie were no longer in Greed. The fucker refused to give any specifics other than to say they are safe, and it seems Charlie has no interest in seeing or hearing from us.
It breaks my heart, but I can’t force her to come home. As frustrating as it is, I understood why she left for Greed. She was doing what she thought was best for the females, but that excuse doesn’t apply here.
She just doesn’t want to come home.
“I’m not going,” I say.
There’s no point in meeting with Mammon if Charlie’s not going to be there.
“Yes, you are. Mammon doesn’t know we know about Charlie’s disappearance, which puts us at an advantage,” Aziel argues, kneeling on the bed when I try to roll away. “We need all the advantage we can get right now.”
I hum, pretending to listen as I bury my face in Silas’s pillow. It smells like him, and I breathe it in as my eyes slip shut.
I’m not hungry.
“I’ve tried touching him, I’ve asked him to touch me, and I’ve tried touching myself, but he won’t feed,” Silas says, infuriatingly updating Aziel on my current sexual status.
I frown. It’s not any of Aziel’s business when I’ve last fed.
I’m not dying, and I have no intention of feeding until Charlie’s back. Besides, I doubt Mammon will notice if I’m the tiniest bit hungry.
“You’re acting like a petulant child.” Aziel’s voice is thick with annoyance, but I don’t care.
He grabs my shoulder and rolls me onto my back, and I let out an undignified gasp as I smack at his hands. He pins me to the bed, and I lift my leg and try to knee him as he climbs over me.
“Get the fuck off me,” I huff, not in the mood for this.
Aziel grabs my hands and shoves them underneath his knees as he sits on my stomach.
I turn to Silas for help. He holds eye contact as he climbs onto the bed next to us, and I can’t help but lean into his hands as he cups my face and brings his mouth to mine.
“You need to feed,” he whispers against my lips.
I can tell I’ve hurt Silas’s feelings by the way he curls in on himself and moves back. My heart lurches, my emotions conflicted. I’ve never felt this way about feeding before.
I’m an incubus, for fuck’s sake. Sex is nothing more than a necessity.