Page 119 of The Female

GRAY’S LOOMING SHADOWis the first thing I see when I wake up, and I groan before rolling away. How long has he been standing next to my bed?

I’m not sure I want to know.

“You’ve been in here for twenty hours now. Do you want me to tell Rock you aren’t coming today?” Gray asks.

I flinch as the weight of his hand is pressed into my hip, and I don’t hesitate to reach out and shove it off. I don’t want him touching me. Gray’s shoes squeak against the floor as he backs away, and I take that as my cue to get up and throw on some clothes.

Gray quietly watches as I step into my closet to get dressed, and he remains a safe distance away as I leave the room and head to my office. He seems to have gotten the hint that I don’t want anything to do with him right now. Good.

Silas, Aziel, and Shay are in the dining room eating in tense silence, and all turn to watch as I step inside. Their gazes are heavy and intimidating, but I ignore them as I walk through the room.

Screw them.

I refuse to show any weakness, and I keep my chin held high as I make my way to my office and slam the door shut. Rock’s already waiting for me and raises his eyebrow as he watches me clutch my chest. I think I held my breath that entire journey.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

Why does he look so calm?

“Aren’t you angry?” I ask.

Rock looks toward the ceiling and lets out a quiet sigh. If I were him, I’d be livid the men I serve kept such vital information from me. He sure seemed frustrated when he was reading the report yesterday.

“I am, but being angry isn’t helpful,” he says, gesturing for me to sit. “And yelling at them as you did will only get me killed.”

My cheeks flush as he acknowledges my freak-out yesterday. I was hoping nobody heard. It’s unlike me to raise my voice and yell like that, and I shouldn’t have let my anger get the best of me. Even if they deserve it.

The last thing I need is to give Aziel a reason to get rid of me, and throwing heavy iron objects at his head is doing precisely that.

“Although I must say I did get a kick out of listening to you scold them like young children,” Rock admits with a laugh. “I’m sure it’s been hundreds of years since those males have been put in their places.”

My lips threaten to curve into a smile, and I glance at the ground to try to hide it. It did feel good to yell at them, even if I regret it now.

“Well, they deserved it.”

Rock has already laid out my work for me, and I hold back a groan as I scan it. He’s placed an ancient history book front and center on my desk, the topic quickly becoming my least favorite. Rock finds it necessary I learn all about the human way of life before the collapse, but I think it’s useless information.

Why do I need to learn about a culture that’s long gone and will never return?

Pulling open the candy drawer Gray keeps stocked, I grab some sweets and flip to the page I left off on last time.

“I have a test for you to take after you finish this chapter,” Rock says.

My lips purse, but I don’t argue with him as I force my racing thoughts to settle. Rock scolds me whenever I take too long, accusing me of not paying attention.

He’s not wrong, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy hearing it.

I’m finishing the last question on Rock’s test when a quiet knock on my door draws my attention. Rock gets up to see who it is and steps to the side as Silas appears in the doorway. My jaw clenches as I pretend not to notice him and focus on my work.

Both men stand silently and watch until I’ve completed the assignment, their attention making my hands clammy.

What does Silas want? He’s made it clear where his loyalties lie, and I have no interest in engaging with somebody who chose the Wraths at the detriment of millions of others.

Rock grabs my test as I set my pencil down, and I stare at him with pleading eyes as he tucks it into his bag and prepares to leave. I don’t want to be left alone with Silas, and Rock is the only thing standing between us right now.

Rock ignores my nonverbal pleas for help and leaves, gently shutting the door behind him.

I glare at Silas as he welcomes himself into my office and sits in the chair opposite my desk. Unlike Gray, he meets my stare head-on and refuses to back down. The defiance only serves to fuel my previously dulled anger, and I cross my arms over my chest before averting my gaze.