Page 50 of Shadow of Death

“Did Death send you?”

“No, I came of my own accord.” Although I couldn’t make out his face, I could still somehow feel the heaviness of his gaze.

“Why do I keep seeing you? What do you want from me?”

“Because of what’s been happening, you’ve come to the attention of many of my kind.”

Yeah, this was exactly what I hadn’t wanted to hear from the creepy nonhuman robe guy. It was amazing to me how so many people wanted to besomebody, and all I wanted was to get back to being a nobody. I didn’t want people to notice I was alive. I didn’t want to be on anyone’s radar. I wanted to be so inconsequential as to never be recognized beyond my small ring of people. Life was much safer that way.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” I wasn’t sure what I was apologizing for, since the only thing I regretted was being noticed.“You are clearly familiar with me, but who are you if Death didn’t send you?”

“As I said, I amCharon.” His head notched up an inch, as if that should carry some weight.

And then that was it, as if his name should’ve explained it all. Having to ask for more details was awkward, but since I had no idea who he was, it was unavoidable.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said, trying to sound as pleasant as I could, since he wasn’t going to like my next question. “Should I know that name?”

“You don’t know me?”

“No.” This man definitely took himself too seriously. This had to be an otherworldly creature problem.

“I’mCharon,” he repeated.

What was this guy not getting? Repeating a name I didn’t know was not going to suddenly make me remember. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you are.”

“Theferryman,” he said, as if Ihadto know that.

Ferryman? Was he a ghost that used to run a ferry line somewhere? I hadn’t taken enough ferries to have gotten chummy with anyone, passenger or captain.

“Youstilldon’t know who I am?” The patience I’d sensed wearing thin before was truly gone now.

“I’m sorry, but no. I have no idea who you are. What ferry line did you run? Maybe that’ll help.”

“I ferry the dead across the River Styx!” His voice boomed like thunder.

“Ah.” Okay, now I was getting it.That, I’d heard of. But wait, he ferried the dead but he was on his own? “But you aren’t with Death?”


“Then why have you been watching me?”

“What she’s been doing has instilled a great deal of power in you.” He said it like he’d spoken of some immense crime.

This did not sound good.

“I didn’t ask for it. I also can’t use any of this power, at least at the moment. I wouldn’t still be here if I could. I’d be more than happy to get rid of it.”

Had I made a deal with Death only to get taken out by this Charon creature? This wasn’t like my run-of-the-mill shifterthreats. This was another creature from the unknown. This guy might be able to kill me, and I didn’t feel like waiting to see who won a cage match between him and Death to find who won the right to choose.

“You have to relinquish the power. A human cannot have this type of power.”

“I can’t. I’ve asked to get rid of it.”

He didn’t say anything, and that was enough. Was he going to kill me? Some of the powers I couldn’t use might’ve come in handy at this moment.

My wolf began to growl by my side. If Charon could see him, I didn’t know. He didn’t seem to react, and I couldn’t see his eyes, if he had any.

“Will you give me a chance to say my goodbyes?” I asked. If he was going to kill me, I didn’t want to just disappear on Kicks and Charlie. They deserved to at least know and not wonder.