Page 23 of Shadow of Death

“Yeah, I’m fine with you taking the lead if that keeps everyone in one piece. After all, we do need someone who knows what to do with this boat.”

I didn’t care if these people thought I was his little woman who needed protection. Turned out the stronger I grew, the less I felt the need to prove myself to anyone—the more I knew who I was, the less it mattered what other people thought of me. There was one thing I was sure of: I’d be the deadliest person in this place.

We walked into the small building. It looked as if it had been an old fisherman’s shack even before Death Day, with nets and poles still hanging on the wall. All eyes in the place swung to us, but then everyone quickly went back to what they were doing. That dark place inside me whispered that we still had their full attention, even if they weren’t being overt about it.

We walked over to a small bar. “I’m looking for Captain Rod,” Kicks said loud enough that the whole room could hear him.

“And you are?” the bartender asked.

“A potential client. Is he here?”

The bartender eyed up Kicks and then did the same to me. To give him his due, his sneer was the same one he’d given Kicks. I could respect an equal-opportunity hater. It was much better than a sleazy stare at my breasts. My gut was telling me he’d labeled Kicks a ten on the threat level but that I’d softened it. If he only knew.

“Wait here.” The bartender put his bottle down and walked out the back door.

I could see him head down the pier through the window, walking all the way to the big yacht. An older man was getting off the boat with a swift leap that looked like it belonged to someone at least twenty years his junior.

We’d found our captain and ship.

Captain Rod’s grizzled face looked toward the shack, his gaze locking with ours. He gave a nod to the bartender and then waved toward us.

We passed the bartender, who was still sneering, on our way toward Rod and the boat. I was wondering if that was the only expression he had.

Captain Rod watched us approach, sizing us up.“What can I do for you?” He had a voice that had been dragged over rough concrete and tanned skin that had more lines than the map we’d used to find this place.

“We need passage to Scotland. We heard you were heading out that way and might have spots open on your boat,” Kicks said.

“Who’d you hear this from?” Rod asked.


Mac? Who the hell was Mac? It was the first time I’d heard the name.

“You don’t look like you’d be the type to hang out with Mac,” Rod said, sounding skeptical.

He was right. Kicks wasn’t, or not that I’d ever heard of.

“I don’t. I was inquiring around through a mutual friend, and you were suggested.”

Rod’s gaze shot back and forth between Kicks and me. Looked like we hadn’t passed his test. It was becoming obvious we were going to have to clear some hurdles before we were allowed to negotiate on price.

I touched Kicks’ arm, signaling I was changing the plan. There was something about this older man I felt a connection with. I had no real idea why, but it was there.

“We’re just looking to get to Scotland,” I said. “We don’t want any problems.” When I spoke to him, and our eyes met again, it seemed as if he could feel the strange connection as well. “I give you my word.” I held out my hand.

He paused for only a second before taking it.

When he did, I could feel a very slight fizzle going through our grasp. If he felt it, the man had one hell of a poker face.

“No one rides for free. What do you have to offer?” Rod said.

Kicks reached into his pocket and pulled out something wrapped in parchment. “I’ve got twenty more pounds of that and can have an associate deliver it here within the week.”

Rod unwrapped the jerky Evangeline had been making lately. In my opinion, Kicks was overpaying with the twenty. That was the best jerky you were going to get this side of the Atlantic.

The captain took a bite. He looked at the meat and then back at us. “You make this? This might be the best jerky I’ve ever had in my life.” He hungrily took another bite.

“No. A woman in our community,” Kicks said.