I took another sip of my tea.
He drank some of his.
“I’m going to go talk to Marvin this afternoon. I want to question him about the hill,” he said. “Do you want to come, or would you like to sit this one out?”
I pulled my gaze away from his lips, as it took me a few moments to respond.
Marvin would be at the factory. A month ago there wouldn’t have been a hesitation. That was before I’d been overtaken by a horde of people kicking and punching me, trying to stomp my brains out. But there was no way I was sitting this one out.
“Of course I’m coming. Why would I want to sit that out?” I took another sip of tea, reminding myself that I could handle anything.
“Be ready in an hour.”
I glanced out the window at the darkening sky. “You sure you want to leave that late? You might not be back in time to walk your girlfriend home.”
Well? Would he confirm it or not? Was she his girlfriend, or did she only act like she was? Or did he run around and kiss all the girls, as I was starting to fear?
His eyes narrowed and then he let out a deep laugh. “See you in an hour.”
Glad he found the situation so amusing. That did nothing to answer the question, though.
* * *
When Hawk walked into the office a little while later, I was seated at my desk with my best ass-kicking outfit and a warrior braid. Technically it was a French braid, but it made it a lot harder to grab my hair if I had to throw down with someone.
Hawk paused in front of Zab’s desk. “I need you to walk Gillian after work tonight.”
Bibbi might not have looked up from her work, but the corners of her mouth definitely went up.
“Oh, uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Zab immediately leaned back in his chair, shaking his head and putting up his hands, as if begging for mercy.
“It’s fine.” Hawk took a step away.
“I’m not good with…protection,” Zab continued, his gaze following the retreating Hawk’s back.
“You’ll be fine,” Hawk said without glancing back. He turned to me. “You ready?”
I got up from my seat and grabbed my jacket. Bibbi was still smiling wide, and Zab looked like someone had dragged him out in the alley to shoot him.
“Your girlfriend might be a bit upset with you tonight,” I said as we left the office.
“Gillian will adapt,” he said, without hesitation.
Did that mean she was his girlfriend or not? Considering how he was all over me last night, I wouldn’t answer in his place either. Was he the perpetual playboy? Or did Gillian think they were together and he was a cheater? Neither was good. I’d better remember this next time I got all hot and bothered.
The factory came into view up ahead, filling me with another unsavory feeling. I kept my pace, refusing to slow or show any fear.
Mertie was on the stoop, smoking a cigarette as we approached. I gave her a single shake of my head. She got the message loud and clear, turning away from us and singling out a Whimsy witch working on the outside of the building.
“What are you doing? That’s not the way to do that. Do I have to show everyoneeverything?” She walked toward the Whimsy, leaving her spot by the front door and giving her back to us as she made a show of grabbing the trowel and shoving cement in the line between the stones. “See? That’s how you do it. I’ll do a few more to make sure you really understand.”
Hawk pushed open the door.
“Do you have a plan?” I asked.
“Walk in and ask. If Marvin doesn’t answer, hurt him and ask again.”