Page 63 of The Nowhere Witch

He leaned a shoulder on the bookcase beside him, crossed an ankle, and waited, looking too good for words. Why did he have to be attractive, even as I was annoyed with him? Clearly there was something wrong with me. But I wasn’t the issue right now. Bibbi was. I wouldn’t let him walk all over her the way he had with me and Belinda.

Oh no. Now I was grouping myself with Belinda. I needed to get to the point and end this conversation.

“I think Bibbi might have a crush on you.”

He let out a soft laugh. “Your powers of observation are astounding. What tipped you off?”

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, so it’sobviousshe has a crush on you. Would it kill you to give her a little attention?”

“You want me to lead Bibbi on?” He raised his brows and crossed his arms.

“I’m not saying sleep with her. Just don’t act like she’s invisible.” Sleeping with her would be a horrible idea. He’d destroy her. Definitely did not want that. “I’m not even telling you to kiss her. Just show her some attention.”

He pushed off the shelf and walked closer. “And if she gets worse?”

“She won’t.” Now I doubtedhispowers of observation. She couldn’t get any worse. But maybe it would build up her ego a little.

“It’s not a good idea.”

He shook his head as he leaned on the couch next to me, close enough that I could smell his woodsy scent.

“I think there might be an in-between area, don’t you? Where maybe you give her some attention but not enough to lead her on?”

He leaned closer. “Not who I am. I’m either interested or not.”

Oh, I was definitely not taking the bait on that one. As far as I was concerned, that kiss we’d had the other day had not happened.

“I’ll owe you one.” I moved a hair away, afraid if I didn’t, I’d move closer.

“You’ll owe me?” he asked, his smirk shooting my heart with adrenaline.

“Yes. Nothing crazy. Something of equal value.”

His smirk turned into a confident smile. “Fine. I’ll pay her more attention, but you owe me.”

When had everything turned into a sexual innuendo? Was he doing it, or was I going there alone?

“Agreed,” I said.

There was a snapping sound and a flash in the air. Shit. I’d made a contract. I had to get out of here before I walked into something else.

I got up from the couch and staggered a bit, forgetting to baby my left knee. Of course I’d nearly fall down in front of him to top off the day.

He stepped closer, looking at my knee. “What’s wrong with your leg?”

“Nothing. I tripped.” I went to move past him and back into the office. Out of sight, out of mind, even if it was just a room over.

He shifted, blocking me. “I didn’t buy the door story, and I definitely don’t buy that you tripped. Tell me what happened to your knee.”

I shifted to the left.

He shifted with me. “I’m not asking again.”

I rolled my eyes dramatically before meeting his gaze. “Oh, good. I thought you were going to keep at it all day.”

Hawk went completely still. His eyes narrowed right before he looped an arm around my waist, hoisting me off the ground, walking us both over to the couch.

“Get off me,” I yelled.