Page 36 of A Grinchmas Delight

“Yeah. My middle name is Warren.”

“Hmm. I like it.”

We walk back into the house and the chatter slowly dies to complete silence as I sit down on the couch and Zane sits next to me.

“Everybody, this is Zane. Zane, this is everybody,” I gesture around the room.

And just like that, the chatter in the room ramps up again and we continue with the day as if nothing has changed. It’s gift exchange time and Aunt Cindy passes out all of the gifts beneath the tree. She goes to her stash of extras and looks at them for a moment before selecting one with a smile on her face and handing it to Zane. He accepts it but looks at her with a confused look.

“Everyone gets a gift, here, sugar.”

He smiles as he moves his gift from one hand to the other. All of the gifts are wrapped in the same green, shimmery wrapping paper with a silver glittery bow on top. Aunt Cindy is nothing if not consistent.

Maia sits on the other side of Zane and leans forward so I can see her around his tall stature.

“Merry Christmas?” She says, questionably.

“Yeah, Merry Christmas, bitch.” I quip, but smile at her.

“Listen, you wouldn’t have been on board with it. I had to just make an executive best friend decision. You’rewelcome.”

“Thank you,” I say sarcastically and lean my head on Zane’s shoulder. It’s weird, this dynamic. But I think I like it here.

The crowd around the living room begins opening their gifts. I tear into mine and smile. I’ve been wanting new mixing bowls for ages and this set has Dachshunds all over it. It matches my spatula perfectly. Zane opens his and inside is a whiskey gift set.

Zane, a man who has literally everything, smiles like this is the most expensive, tasteful gift he’s ever received.

“Thank you, this is amazing.”

Aunt Cindy offers him a smile as the rest of the room opens their gifts.

“I’ll be right back,” Zane whispers and walks outside.

He returns holding two gift bags in his hand. He hands one to Aunt Cindy and one to me. Aunt Cindy grins big as she tears the wrapping out of the bag. Inside is a very expensive bottle of Merlot, which I know thrills her soul.

He hands me my bag and sits next to me. I stare at him in shock and slight horror. I didn’t get him anything.

“I didn’t get you anything,” I say softly as I accept the bag.

“You have no idea how much of a gift you are.”

I open the large bag and inside is a perfect wooden carved replica of Reese Piecie. It’s hand-crafted and is a perfect match down to the shading and color of her tiny eyebrows. Tears well in my eyes.

“Zane, it’s perfect.”

There’s something else in the bag. It’s another small gift bag. I open it and find a jewelry box inside. I open it cautiously, hoping this isn’t some crazy situation where he’s about to propose to me after a month in front of my family because I will die of a panic attack right here right now.

Lifting the lid slowly, I exhale a quiet sigh of relief when I find a pair of Grinch earrings. I burst out laughing and hug Zane.

“You got me earrings of you. How fitting!”

Maia cackles beside him at my comment because she’s the only one who heard me through the rambunctious family chatter.

“For the woman who loves everything green. Even me.”